Circular No. 4073 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 EXO 2030+375 A. Robin, C. Motch, S. A. Ilovaisky, and C. Chevalier, Observatoire de Basancon, telex: "CCD images taken on May 23.1 UT with the Haute Provence Observatory 1.93-m reflector reveal four stellar objects within the 15"-radius x-ray error box (Parmar and White, private communication), ranging in magnitude from V = 18.5 to 21.5. Comparison with the Palomar Sky Survey prints shows no significant changes in brightness for the three objects seen above the Survey's red plate limit. Our CCD V and R filter images indicate that the brightest star in the box is also the bluest and thus may be the optical candidate. The lack of a significant brightness increase between the 1951 Palomar plates and our observations made only 4 days after discovery of the x-ray transient by EXOSAT suggests this is probably another Be-type hard transient. The faintness of our optical candidate is consistent with an early-type star heavily reddened by an amount compatible with the large x-ray absorption column." NGC 6212 J. P. Halpern, Columbia University, and J. A. Biretta, California Institute of Technology, communicate: "NGC 6212 (IAUC 4060) is an x-ray-selected, active galaxy with a redshift of 0.030. A spectrum taken with the Hale 5-m telescope on 1984 Apr. 4 shows a stellar continuum and weak, broad H-alpha. Narrow emission-line gas extends to 9" from the nucleus. The maximum luminosity of 7 x 10**35 J/s, as well as the x-ray variability, are typical for x-ray- selected active galaxies." U AQUARII J. E. Bortle, Stormville, NY, reports that this R-CrB-type variable is undergoing a minimum, as shown by the following visual magnitude estimates: 1984 Nov. 7.0 UT, 11.8; 27.0, 11.7; Dec. 23.0, 11.8; 1985 May 20.3, [13.3; 30.3, [13.9. AG DRACONIS Bortle notes that this star (IAUC 4045) has once again dropped to minimum, providing his visual magnitude estimates: May 4.1 UT, 9.7; 11.1, 9.7; 16.1, 10.0; 20.1, 10.0. 1985 June 7 (4073) Daniel W. E. Green
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