Circular No. 4074 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 OH MASER IN MARKARIAN 273 L. Botinelli, D. Fraix-Burnet, L. Gouguenheim, A. M. le Squeren, and I. Patey, Observatoire de Paris, Meudon, telex: "In a recent OH survey of IRAS galaxies with high infrared (100-micron)-to- blue luminosity ratio made with the Nancay radio telescope, we detected a new powerful OH maser in the peculiar galaxy Mrk 273 (OH luminosity [1667 MHz] = 350 LO for an adopted distance of 150 Mpc). We have also detected a wide (about 450 km/s) H I absorption centered at the velocity 11 245 km/s." COMET MACHHOLZ (1985e) The following visual magnitude estimate has been reported by D. Machholz, Loma Prieta, CA (0.25-m reflector): June 9.45 UT, 8.2. For the benefit of radio and infrared astronomers, the following ephemeris is provided to link those published on IAUC 4071-4072 (note that the comet will be at elongation 2.2 deg on June 28.0 ET). 1985 ET R.A. (1950.0) Decl. p r m1 June 22 4 43.95 +23 33.4 1.066 0.320 4.2 23 4 57.55 +23 25.0 24 5 11.67 +23 12.7 1.084 0.248 3.1 25 5 26.48 +22 56.8 26 5 42.23 +22 37.3 1.108 0.174 1.6 27 5 59.31 +22 15.4 28 6 18.08 +21 53.8 1.123 0.113 -0.2 29 6 37.89 +21 39.2 30 6 56.61 +21 36.1 1.087 0.125 0.1 July 1 7 13.19 +21 40.9 2 7 28.14 +21 48.5 1.023 0.192 1.9 3 7 42.10 +21 56.2 4 7 55.48 +22 02.7 0.965 0.266 3.2 5 8 08.55 +22 07.2 6 8 21.46 +22 09.2 0.918 0.338 4.1 RS OPHIUCHI Visual magnitude estimates by J. E. Bortle, Stormville, NY: Apr. 17.31 UT, 10.7; May 20.12, 12.4; 30.32, 12.3. 1985 June 13 (4074) Daniel W. E. Green
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