Circular No. 4090 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 PERIODIC COMET HALLEY (1982i) The following observations have been reported since conjunction. Further observations will be published in the MPCs. 1985 UT R.A. (1950.0) Decl. m1 Observer July 19.43148 5 44 09.81 +18 38 54.3 16.5 West 27.47903 5 49 20.76 +18 48 02.5 Gibson 27.48278 5 49 20.90 +18 48 02.7 " 28.47625 5 49 58.57 +18 49 06.2 " 28.48007 5 49 58.73 +18 49 06.4 " 29.47958 5 50 36.48 +18 50 09.5 " 29.48333 5 50 36.61 +18 50 09.8 " Aug. 1.75382 5 52 38 +18 53.6 16 Seki 4.78958 5 54 30.28 +18 56 33.7 16 " 4.79861 5 54 30.54 +18 56 33.7 " R. M. West (European Southern Observatory). 10-min exposure with the 0.4-m GPO astrograph. Low in the dawn. Image subsequently found by photographic amplification. A less satisfactory exposure on July 20 did not show the comet. J. Gibson (Palomar). 1.6-m reflector and CCD. 22" coma, no tail. T. Seki (Geisei). Coma and tail-like jet. Ephemeris from the orbital elements on MPC 9214: 1985 ET R.A. (1950.0) Decl. p r m1 Aug. 3 5 53.41 +18 54.9 3.759 3.079 16.2 13 5 59.31 +19 04.3 23 6 04.59 +19 13.1 3.235 2.838 15.3 Sept. 2 6 08.95 +19 22.1 12 6 11.98 +19 32.2 2.643 2.589 14.3 22 6 13.03 +19 45.1 Oct. 2 6 11.11 +20 02.7 2.008 2.330 13.0 12 6 04.55 +20 28.0 22 5 50.24 +21 03.7 1.370 2.060 11.4 Nov. 1 5 22.28 +21 48.2 11 4 29.35 +22 13.6 0.818 1.778 9.3 21 2 57.99 +20 18.8 Dec. 1 1 05.30 +13 39.1 0.631 1.483 7.6 11 23 39.54 + 5 59.2 21 22 48.47 + 0 50.5 0.939 1.176 6.9 31 22 17.39 - 2 18.7 1985 August 6 (4090) Brian G. Marsden
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