Circular No. 4130 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 DO DRACONIS G. M. Hurst, Basingstoke, U.K., reports the following visual magnitude estimates by S. Lubbock, Bridge End, Glamorgan: Oct. 25.8 UT, [13.8; 28.82, 10.5; 29.23, 10.6; the outburst was confirmed at Condor Brow Observatory by D. Buczynski, who found mpv ~ 10.5 on Oct. 28.94. The last known observation of DO Dra (R.A. = 11h40m8, Decl. = +71deg58', equinox 1950.0) = 3A 1148+719 = PG 1140+719 <> YY Dra was in 1975 (McNaught 1983, The Astronomer 19, 205). COMET HARTLEY-GOOD (1985l) Parabolic orbital elements from MPC 10 156: T = 1985 Dec. 9.1129 ET Peri. = 87.0280 Node = 357.6971 1950.0 q = 0.694598 AU Incl. = 79.9239 1985/86 ET R.A. (1950.0) Decl. p r m1 Nov. 11 18 31.97 + 9 27.1 0.828 0.896 6.6 21 18 04.70 +13 15.1 Dec. 1 17 39.11 +15 16.5 1.044 0.714 6.1 11 17 14.11 +15 22.2 21 16 50.89 +13 36.7 1.127 0.736 6.4 31 16 30.15 +10 27.2 Jan. 10 16 10.74 + 6 23.1 1.061 0.943 7.4 20 15 49.94 + 1 38.8 30 15 24.30 - 3 44.2 0.913 1.221 8.2 Feb. 9 14 49.90 - 9 43.8 19 14 03.50 -15 53.9 0.798 1.512 8.8 Mar. 1 13 06.33 -21 04.0 11 12 07.21 -23 57.7 0.871 1.800 9.8 21 11 17.35 -24 33.0 31 10 41.57 -23 49.8 1.175 2.080 11.0 Apr. 10 10 18.42 -22 41.7 20 10 04.68 -21 36.6 1.619 2.351 12.3 Total visual magnitude estimates: Oct. 12.19 UT, 6.9 (C. S. Morris, Table Mountain Obs., 20 x 80 binoculars); 14.46, 7.3 (R. McNaught, Coonabarabran, N.S.W., 9 x 63 binoculars); 17.52, 7.5 (McNaught); 19.53, 7.0 (T. Seki, Geisei, Japan, 0.20-m reflector); 20.88, 7.0 (J.-C. Merlin, Le Creusot, France, 7 x 50 binoculars). 1985 November 1 (4130) Brian G. Marsden
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