Circular No. 4131 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 gamma CASSIOPEIAE D. Dal Fiume and F. Frontera, Istituto TESRE, CNR, Bologna; G. Manzo and S. Re, Istituto IFCAI, CNR, Palermo; and R. Robba, Department of Physics, University of Palermo, telex: "A 6.3-hr EXOSAT medium-energy observation of gamma Cas on 1984 Dec. 7 has detected a strong time-variability of the source, with flux variations by a factor of two on timescales of a few hours. Both a fast Fourier transform and an epoch-folding analysis show that this variability is consistent with a source flux modulation of period 6000 +/- 200 s. The Chi**2 per degree of freedom corresponding to this periodicity is ~ 100. The peak-to-minimum amplitude of this modulation is ~ 1.5, while the time-averaged 1-10-keV flux from the source is ~ 3 mCrab. Owing to the limited observation time, we cannot exclude that the fundamental period is actually 12 000 s, as strongly suggested by the temporal analysis. New x- ray observations and archival researches are urged in order to gain a better understanding of this periodicity." PERIODIC COMET GICLAS (1985g) Ephemeris continuation from the elements on MPC 10 156: 1985/86 ET R.A. (1950.0) Decl. p r m1 Oct. 22 3 26.42 + 3 51.1 0.901 1.847 13.3 Nov. 1 3 22.28 + 3 42.1 11 3 16.49 + 3 50.8 0.897 1.873 13.4 21 3 10.54 + 4 21.0 Dec. 1 3 05.91 + 5 13.0 0.977 1.915 13.7 11 3 03.63 + 6 23.6 21 3 04.25 + 7 48.2 1.137 1.971 14.2 31 3 07.88 + 9 21.9 Jan. 10 3 14.29 +11 00.1 1.361 2.039 14.8 20 3 23.20 +12 39.1 30 3 34.22 +14 16.0 1.630 2.116 15.4 Feb. 9 3 47.00 +15 48.4 19 4 01.24 +17 14.6 1.930 2.202 16.1 Mar. 1 4 16.67 +18 33.2 11 4 33.04 +19 43.1 2.247 2.293 16.7 Visual magnitude estimates by A. Hale (0.20-m refl.) and C. S. Morris (0.25-m refl.), Mt. Wilson, CA: Oct. 13.48 UT, 13.4: (Hale); 15.33, 13.3 (Hale); 16.45, 13.4 (Morris); 17.34, 13.3 (Hale). 1985 November 1 (4131) Brian G. Marsden
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