Circular No. 4133 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 COMET THIELE (1985m) Parabolic orbital elements from MPC 10 156: T = 1985 Dec. 18.6627 ET Peri. = 52.6457 Node = 52.3569 1950.0 q = 1.320004 AU Incl. = 139.1408 1985/86 ET R.A. (1950.0) Decl. p r m1 Nov. 11 23 44.72 +36 23.0 0.565 1.434 7.8 16 22 45.08 +30 14.6 21 22 07.75 +24 49.7 0.765 1.383 8.3 26 21 43.97 +20 39.1 Dec. 1 21 28.20 +17 31.6 1.031 1.346 8.9 6 21 17.34 +15 10.9 11 21 09.64 +13 24.1 1.305 1.325 9.3 16 21 04.06 +12 02.0 21 20 59.94 +10 58.2 1.566 1.320 9.7 26 20 56.85 +10 08.2 31 20 54.52 + 9 29.2 1.799 1.333 10.0 Jan. 5 20 52.75 + 8 58.7 10 20 51.41 + 8 35.3 1.999 1.361 10.3 Total visual magnitude estimates: Oct. 26.16 UT, 8.6 (J.-C. Merlin, Le Creusot, France, 0.40-m reflector); Nov. 2.17, 7.7 (C. S. Morris, Palmdale, CA, 20 x 80 binoculars); 6.21, 8.9 (C. E. Spratt, Victoria, BC, 0.20-m reflector); 7.23, 7.7 (Morris, near Mount Wilson, CA, coma diameter 16'). CoD -35 11760 AND CPD -58 2721 A. U. Landolt, Louisiana State University, reports that the extreme-He star CoD -35 11760 = HDE 320156 = LSS 4300 varies in light and color with an amplitude >= 0.1 mag in V, B-V and U-B. These data, based on observations made with Cerro Tololo telescopes over the past seven years, indicate a maximum change in brightness in a time interval as short as one day. Observers are urged to follow this star spectroscopically, since it is suspected to be a binary (Schonberner and Drilling 1984, Ap.J. 276, 229). Landolt adds that his photometry of the extreme-He star CPD -58 2721 = LSS 1922 over the past several years confirm the light variations announced by Hill et al. (IAUC 4097). 1985 November 12 (4133) Brian G. Marsden
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