Circular No. 4136 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 PERIODIC COMET CIFFREO (1985p) The following precise positions have been reported: 1985 UT R.A. (1950.0) Decl. m1 Observers Nov. 8.80729 4 32 32.16 +23 36 39.0 Koishikawa 9.93045 4 32 05.48 +23 55 29.4 13 Chernykh 10.96352 4 31 38.36 +24 12 43.1 13 Karachkina 11.61174 4 31 20.47 +24 23 30.9 12 Watanabe 11.66132 4 31 18.85 +24 24 24.6 " 11.70313 4 31 17.42 +24 25 12.4 12 Koishikawa 11.73958 4 31 16.16 +24 25 43.1 " 12.66042 4 30 49.03 +24 41 06.9 " 12.71250 4 30 47.19 +24 41 57.2 " 12.87895 4 30 42.78 +24 44 41.6 13 Chernykh 12.95418 4 30 40.14 +24 45 57.9 13 " 12.98924 4 30 38.85 +24 46 33.5 12 Buczynski 13.39521 4 30 26.17 +24 53 15.9 Balam 13.67292 4 30 16.92 +24 57 55.4 Koishikawa 13.72292 4 30 15.08 +24 58 44.8 " 14.25939 4 29 57.57 +25 07 39.8 Schwartz 14.34757 4 29 54.83 +25 09 06.4 Tatum 15.12847 4 29 27.52 +25 22 02.5 11 Landgraf 15.13508 4 29 27.06 +25 22 07.7 " D. D. Balam and J. B. Tatum (Victoria). Measured by Balam. D. G. Buczynski and J. D. Greenwood (Condor Brow), 0.47-m refl. Possible tail 2' in p.a. 190. Communicated by P. Birtwhistle. N. S. Chernykh, L. G. Karachkina, and L. I. Chernykh (Crimea - Nauchnij). M. Koishikawa (Sendai Obs., Ayashi Sta.), 0.20-m reflector, except on Nov. 8 when a 300-mm-focal-length lens was used (and comet appeared at edge of plate). Communicated by S. Nakano. W. Landgraf and R. Riemann (Mainz), 0.2-m refl. Star-like central condensation of mag 13; tail or asymmetric coma 1' to east. G. Schwartz (Oak Ridge Observatory). Measured by C.-Y. Shao. Diffuse with slight central condensation. K. Watanabe (Sapporo Science Center), 0.6-m refl. Comm. by Nakano. Total visual magnitude estimates: Nov. 14.85 UT, 11.5 (J.-C. Merlin, Le Creusot, France, 0.40-m refl.); 15.31, 13.3 (A. Hale, near Mt. Wilson, CA, 0.20-m refl.); 17.38, 11.5 (C. Morris, near Mt. Wilson, CA, 0.25-m reflector; coma diameter 2.4'). 1985 November 18 (4136) Daniel W. E. Green
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