Circular No. 4137 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 PERIODIC COMET CIFFREO (1985p) Orbital elements from 21 observations (Nov. 8-15), by the undersigned, indicate that this is a short-period comet: T = 1985 Oct. 27.9993 ET Peri. = 356.7487 e = 0.563914 Node = 53.2724 1950.0 a = 3.937155 AU Incl. = 13.4143 n = 0.1261625 q = 1.716937 AU P = 7.81 years 1985/6 ET R.A. (1950.0) Decl. p r m1 Nov. 11 4 31.62 +24 13.4 0.764 1.722 11.8 21 4 25.61 +26 57.4 Dec. 1 4 17.92 +29 26.5 0.767 1.749 11.9 11 4 10.60 +31 30.8 21 4 05.69 +33 07.4 0.858 1.796 12.2 31 4 04.51 +34 19.5 Jan. 10 4 07.49 +35 12.5 1.026 1.862 12.8 20 4 14.53 +35 51.7 30 4 25.11 +36 20.7 1.252 1.942 13.4 CH CYGNI J. D. Fernie, David Dunlap Observatory, writes: "Following recent interest in this symbiotic star (e.g., cf. IAUC 4055), I have monitored CH Cyg sporadically with uvby-beta-RIKC filters since last May. While it has remained relatively quiescent at y ~ 7.5 and I ~ 3.6, fairly substantial activity has appeared at shorter wavelengths and in H-beta since late Sept. and early Oct. The flux in the u band has increased by > 0.5 mag, b-y has diminished from 1.6 to 1.4, and the beta index has decreased from 2.4 to 2.1. It seems that the hot component may be at an early stage of outburst and that close surveillance would be worthwhile." MU CEPHEI J. F. le Borgne, Pic du Midi Observatory, communicates that recent U and B polarimetric observations with the 2-m telescope resulted in the detection of a circumstellar dust envelope around the luminous red supergiant MU Cep, the envelope being 10"-15" from the star. 1985 November 18 (4137) Daniel W. E. Green
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