Circular No. 4240 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 PERIODIC COMET KOHOUTEK (1986k) This comet has been recovered by T. Gehrels and J. Scotti with the SPACEWATCH camera 0.91-m telescope on Kitt Peak. 1986 UT R.A. (1950.0) Decl. m1 July 30.35050 21 38 52.31 - 7 30 42.2 19.5 30.36348 21 38 51.79 - 7 30 43.9 30.37067 21 38 51.55 - 7 30 44.4 31.32277 21 38 12.01 - 7 32 44.5 31.32749 21 38 11.68 - 7 32 45.7 31.33995 21 38 11.29 - 7 32 48.1 31.34948 21 38 10.81 - 7 32 48.5 The comet is diffuse and uncondensed and difficult to measure. On July 30 the image was elongated in an east-west direction by ~ 15". The July 30.37067 image was involved with that of a star. The position of this third-apparition comet is relatively far from the prediction on MPC 10522/10554, evidently because of the influence of unusually large nongravitational forces. A computation by the undersigned from 40 observations 1975-1986 yields nongravitational parameters (assumed constant) A1 = +6.1, A2 = +0.84 and the following orbital elements: T = 1987 Oct. 29.8145 ET Epoch = 1987 Oct. 12.0 ET Peri. = 175.7188 e = 0.497927 Node = 268.9826 1950.0 a = 3.535576 AU Incl. = 5.9157 n = 0.1482565 q = 1.775119 AU P = 6.648 years 1986 ET R.A. (1950.0) Decl. p r m2 July 29 21 39.79 - 7 27.9 2.761 3.729 19.7 Aug. 8 21 32.57 - 7 51.5 18 21 24.73 - 8 21.1 2.635 3.642 19.3 28 21 16.91 - 8 54.1 Sept. 7 21 09.73 - 9 27.8 2.626 3.552 19.5 17 21 03.79 - 9 59.1 27 20 59.54 -10 25.8 2.720 3.460 19.7 Oct. 7 20 57.26 -10 46.1 17 20 57.07 -10 58.7 2.883 3.366 19.9 27 20 58.94 -11 03.0 Nov. 6 21 02.79 -10 58.7 3.078 3.269 20.0 1986 July 31 (4240) Brian G. Marsden
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