Circular No. 4241 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 COMET WILSON (1986l) Christine Wilson reports her discovery of a comet on plates taken with the 1.2-m Schmidt telescope at Palomar in the course of the new Sky Survey. The object appears diffuse with some condensation and an apparent short tail to the southeast. 1986 UT R.A. (1950.0) Decl. m1 Observer 5.33194 22 22 12 +25 10.6 7.5 Wilson 5.37361 22 22 08 +25 10.3 " 6.07813 22 20 56.22 +25 06 40.7 11.5 Pollas 6.08860 22 20 55.55 +25 06 38.7 " 6.15515 22 20 48.87 +25 06 19.9 10 McCrosky 6.28811 22 20 35.12 +25 05 40.3 Shao G. Schwartz, R. McCrosky, and C.-Y. Shao (Oak Ridge Observatory). Prediscovery images were found on two Damon patrol plates taken on Aug. 4; the Aug. 6 plates were taken with the 0.41-m astrograph and were measured by Shao. C. Pollas (Caussols). CERGA 0.9-m Schmidt telescope; beginning and end of trail. C. Wilson (Palomar Observatory). Beginning and end of trail. Assistance from and communicated by A. Maury. Visual searches around Aug. 6.2 UT by C. S. Morris and D. W. E. Green indicated that the comet could then be no brighter than m1 ~ 10.5. NSV 6708 W. Wenzel, Sonneberg Observatory, reports that 81 sky patrol exposures taken by C. Hoffmeister in 1935-1936 and 1952-1953 show a mean mpg = 11.5, with no variation larger than 0.5 magnitude. R. H. McNaught, Siding Spring Observatory, provides further visual magnitude estimates (IAUC 4233): July 18.38 UT, 7.7; 21.50, 7.3. PERIODIC COMET HALLEY (1982i) Further total visual magnitude estimates (cf. IAUC 4236): July 22.70 UT, 11.5 (R. Fleet, Harare, Zimbabwe, 0.35-m reflector); 24.70, 11.2 (Fleet); 26.70, 11.4 (Fleet); 28.72, 11.2 (J. Campos, Durban, R.S.A., 0.20-m reflector); 30.71, 10.9 (Fleet); 31.70, 10.8 (Fleet). 1986 August 6 (4241) Daniel W. E. Green
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