Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 4270: 1986o; 1986L

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 4270
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM    Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444

     This comet, originally called 1986 UD (IAUC 4267, 4269), is
of short period.  M. Lovas made an independent discovery of the
object at Piszkesteto on Nov. 4 and described it as asteroidal,
surrounded by a faint asymmetric coma.  The following orbital
elements, based on an Oct. 29 prediscovery observation at Brorfelde
and 20 other observations through Nov. 7, are from MPC 11339:

          T = 1986 Nov. 23.132 ET
      Peri. =  21.566                    e =   0.58192
      Node  =  31.269   1950.0           a =   3.45595 AU
      Incl. =  24.044                    n =   0.153410
          q =   1.44485 AU               P =   6.42 years

     1986/87 ET  R.A. (1950.0) Decl.      p        r       m1

     Nov. 16     1 31.05    +30 44.8    0.497    1.447    16.1
          21     1 23.89    +33 46.5
          26     1 18.27    +36 27.9    0.539    1.445    16.3
     Dec.  1     1 14.47    +38 50.0
           6     1 12.63    +40 54.9    0.596    1.452    16.5
          11     1 12.83    +42 45.2
          16     1 15.02    +44 23.1    0.664    1.466    16.8
          21     1 19.14    +45 50.5
          26     1 25.09    +47 08.8    0.741    1.488    17.1
          31     1 32.79    +48 19.2
     Jan.  5     1 42.14    +49 22.3    0.824    1.518    17.4
          10     1 53.00    +50 18.9
          15     2 05.24    +51 08.8    0.913    1.554    17.7

     P. Mack, South African Astronomical Observatory, reports the
following photometric data, reduced by him from observations made
by I. M. Coulson with the 1.0-m CCD system: Oct. 18.025 UT, V =
13.67, B-V = +0.13, U-B = -0.78; V-R = +0.15, V-I = +0.27; 19.974,
V = 13.72, B-V = +0.15, U-B = -0.72, V-R = +0.16, V-I = +0.32;
20.974, V = 13.75, B-V = +0.17, U-B = -0.65, V-R = +0.18.

     Visual magnitude estimates: Oct. 21.5 UT, 13.5 (T. Cragg,
Coonabarabran, N.S.W.); 23.5, 13.6 (Cragg); 25.5, 13.5 (R. O.
Evans, Hazelbrook, N.S.W); 27.5, 13.7 (R. H. McNaught,
Coonabarabran, N.S.W.); 28.6, 13.7 (McNaught); 30.5, 13.6 (Evans).

1986 November 17               (4270)              Brian G. Marsden

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