Circular No. 4310 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 PERIODIC COMET BUS (1987f) T. Gehrels and J. V. Scotti, University of Arizona, report their recovery of this comet with the 0.91-m SPACEWATCH telescope at Kitt Peak as shown below. The Jan. 29.40701 image is noted as diffuse with a coma diameter of 17". The correction to the prediction by S. Nakano on MPC 10522 is Delta-T approximately -1.6 day. 1987 UT R.A. (1950) Decl. m1 Jan. 29.33314 7 21 06.47 +18 40 25.6 29.34252 7 21 06.02 +18 40 26.6 29.38935 7 21 03.62 +18 40 33.5 19.5 29.39821 7 21 03.23 +18 40 34.2 29.40701 7 21 02.77 +18 40 35.2 Feb. 1.27994 7 18 45.58 +18 47 02.1 1.29691 7 18 44.79 +18 47 03.9 1.31620 7 18 43.82 +18 47 07.3 The following orbital elements by the undersigned are from 28 observations 1981-1987 (mean residual 1".5) with full perturbations: T = 1987 Dec. 19.5116 ET Epoch = 1987 Dec. 31.0 ET Peri. = 24.5605 e = 0.372839 Node = 181.4910 1950.0 a = 3.496130 AU i = 2.5766 n = 0.1507727 q = 2.192637 AU P = 6.54 years 1987 ET R.A. (1950) Decl. Delta r m1 Jan. 5 7 42.11 +17 47.4 2.144 3.114 19.6 15 7 33.50 +18 08.1 25 7 24.70 +18 30.7 2.077 3.041 19.3 Feb. 4 7 16.67 +18 53.1 14 7 10.26 +19 13.7 2.124 2.967 19.2 24 7 06.09 +19 31.5 Mar. 6 7 04.49 +19 45.8 2.257 2.893 19.2 16 7 05.58 +19 56.2 26 7 09.23 +20 02.0 2.439 2.820 19.2 Apr. 5 7 15.26 +20 02.8 15 7 23.42 +19 57.9 2.637 2.748 19.2 25 7 33.43 +19 46.6 May 5 7 45.04 +19 28.2 2.826 2.677 19.2 15 7 58.02 +19 02.1 25 8 12.15 +18 28.0 2.993 2.609 19.1 1987 February 5 (4310) Daniel W. E. Green
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