Circular No. 4396 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 GX 339-4 R. Corbet and P. Charles, Oxford University; and A. Smale, University College, London, report: "We have obtained spectroscopy (0.3-nm resolution) with the Anglo-Australian Telescope of the black-hole candidate GX 339-4 during its recent faint state (cf. IAUC 4383). On May 10 we detected H-alpha emission with an equivalent width of about 1.0 nm. Further observations are urged." U SCORPII Further visual magnitude estimates (cf. IAUC 4395): May 18.42 UT, 11.3: (D. A. J. Seargent, The Entrance, N.S.W.); 19.44, 11.6 (Seargent); 20.54, 12.1 (R. H. McNaught, Coonabarabran, N.S.W.); 20.58, 12.5 (T. Cragg, Siding Spring Observatory). SUPERNOVA 1987A IN THE LARGE MAGELLANIC CLOUD Visual magnitude estimates: May 19.36 UT, 2.8 (Seargent); 20.42, 2.9 (G. Garradd, Tamworth, N.S.W.); 20.45, 2.9 (McNaught). COMET SORRELLS (1986n) Total visual magnitude estimates: Apr. 29.80 UT, 9.2 (J. Kobayashi, Kumamoto, Japan, 0.31-m reflector); May 1.68, 9.5 (G. W. Wolf, Wellington, New Zealand, 0.21-m reflector); 5.46, 9.7 (A. Hale, Las Cruces, NM, 0.20-m reflector); 12.17, 9.8 (A. Pereira, Linda-A-Velha, Portugal, 0.15-m reflector). PW VULPECULAE Visual magnitude estimates (cf. IAUC 4278) by M. Verdenet, Bourbon-Lancy, France: 1986 Dec. 20.82 UT, 14.4; 1987 Apr. 1.15, 14.7; May 1.10, 14.7. CORRIGENDA On IAUC 4360, last line, the Mar. 4.7 observation was of GK Per, not Nova And 1986. On IAUC 4373, GK Persei, line 4, the Feb. 26.7 observation by A. Mizser should be attributed to Nova And 1986, not GK Per. 1987 May 21 (4396) Daniel W. E. Green
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