Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC 4422: PSR 0042-735; PSR 1951+32; 1987i

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                                                  Circular No. 4422
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM    Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444

PSR 0042-735
     J. G. Ables and C. E. Jacka, Division of Radiophysics, CSIRO,
Parkes; P. J. Hall, Department of Electrical Engineering, Sydney
University; and P. A. Hamilton, D. McConnell, and P. M. McCulloch,
Physics Department, University of Tasmania, telex:  "We report the
discovery of the first observed pulsar in the Small Magellanic
Cloud.  Observations were made with the Parkes 64-m radio telescope
(frequency = 610 MHz, total observing bandwidth = 60 MHz) and an
integration time of 87 min.  Data samples were recorded at 200 Hz in each
of 24 frequency channels.  The observed pulsar parameters on 1987
Jan. 15.126 UT are:  R.A. = 0h42.5 (+/- 2m), Decl. = -73 30' (+/- 20'),
equinox 1950.0; barycentric period 0s.926499 +/- 0s.000003; dispersion
measure 101 +/- 5 pc/cm3; mean flux 1.3 mJy; peak flux 25 mJy."

PSR 1951+32
     T. R. Clifton, D. C. Backer, R. S. Foster, University of
California, Berkeley; S. R. Kulkarni, California Institute of Technology;
and A. S. Fruchter and J. H. Taylor, Princeton University,
communicate: "R. Strom (Ap.J. Lett., in press) detected a compact,
highly polarized, steep-spectrum radio source at R.A. = 19h51m02.47,
Decl. = +32 44'50.2 (equinox 1950.0), coincident with the unresolved x-
ray source in the core of the supernova remnant CTB 80.  Following
his suggestion that this object might be a short-period pulsar, a
pulse search was conducted with the U.C. Berkeley Fast Pulsar
Search Machine at 387 MHz on the NRAO 92-m telescope at Green Bank,
WV.  One million samples of 0.8-ms duration were acquired on June
27, written to magnetic tape and processed in Berkeley.  Analysis
of these data indicates the presence of a pulsar (designated PSR
1951+32) of period 39.52976 +/- 5 ms,  dispersion measure = 48 +/- 3 pc
cmE-3 and flux density about 10 mJy at 387 MHz.  The pulsar signal was
independently confirmed with 1400-MHz data recorded at the NAIC
305-m Arecibo telescope on July 15 and processed at Princeton.
Observations to determine the period derivative are in progress."

     Total visual magnitude estimates (L = reflector):  June 21.08
UT, 12.7 (M. Amoretti, Sanremo, Italy, 0.35-m L); 26.39, 13.1 (E.
Jacobson, Evansville, MN, 0.25-m L); July 1.40, 13.1 (C. S. Morris,
near Mt. Wilson, CA, 0.26-m L); 7.41, 13.0 (Morris).

1987 July 20                   (4422)            Daniel W. E. Green

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