Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 4438: 1987t; 1987A; 1987s

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 4438
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM    Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444

     This comet has been recovered by J. Gibson with the 1.5-m
reflector (+ CCD) at Palomar and by T. Gehrels and J. V. Scotti with
the 0.9-m SPACEWATCH camera at Kitt Peak:

   1987 UT            R.A. (1950) Decl.         m1    Observer
   July 25.47951    4 43 43.30   +12 46 21.4   18     Gibson
        25.48361    4 43 43.92   +12 46 21.5            "
   Aug. 17.48258    5 40 01.76   +11 56 16.5          Gehrels
        17.48425    5 40 01.95   +11 56 17.6            "
        17.48596    5 40 02.18   +11 56 16.0            "
        18.47476    5 42 13.60   +11 52 27.1   18.3     "

There was a 19" coma on Aug. 18.  The indicated correction to the
prediction on MPC 11646 (elements on MPC 10519) is delta T = +0.05 day.

     With reference to the note on IAUC 4432 concerning his earlier
item on possible 22-GHz emission, P. Kaufmann, Instituto de
Pesquisas Espaciais, Sao Paulo, telexes: "The 13.7-m antenna beam
of 4' included a contribution from the neighboring H II region MC
69, preventing the on-on method of observation.  However, drift-
scan observations (in azimuth, R.A. or Decl.) produce patterns
indicating repeatable excess emission in the direction of the
supernova, but at a lower level of significance.  The following is a
summary of the intensities measured during four sets of observations:
June 20-22, 25, 27-28, 50 +/- 80 mJy; July 7-8, 170 +/- 150
mJy; July 8-10, 120 +/- 230 mJy; Aug. 15-16, 180 +/- 230 mJy.  The
weighted mean of these intensities is 154 +/- 65 mJy."
     Further visual magnitude estimates: 17.53 UT, 4.7 (A. C.
Beresford, Adelaide, South Australia); 18.12, 4.8 (J. da S.
Campos, Durban, R.S.A.).

     Total visual magnitude estimates: Aug. 15.44, 8.8 (D. A. J.
Seargent, The Entrance, N.S.W., 15 x 80 binoculars; coma diameter
9'); 16.14, 9.1 (M. Magee, Tucson, AZ, 0.2-m reflector); 17.74,
9.6 (J. da S. Campos, Durban, R.S.A., 0.13-m refractor); 18.17,
8.8 (J. V. Scotti, Tucson, AZ, 0.15-m reflector).

1987 August 18                 (4438)              Brian G. Marsden

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