Circular No. 4439 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 COMET WILSON (1986l) D. K. Lynch informs us that he is compiling a data log for this comet, his purpose being to maintain a list of when various types of observation were made, in order to help other astronomers in their own work. Entries for the log, consisting of the UT date (to 0.1 day), a one or two line description (noting in particular the instrument used and range of wavelengths) and the observer's name and affiliation, should be sent to him at The Aerospace Corporation, MS M2-266, P.O. Box 92957, Los Angeles, CA 90009, U.S.A. Contributors will receive a copy of the final log. Total visual magnitude estimates: June 19.88 UT, 8.6 (V. F. de Assis Neto, Sao Francisco de Oliveira, Brazil, 10 x 70 binoculars); 28.48, 8.5 (G. W. Wolf, Wellington, N.Z., 0.06-m refractor); July 10.29, 8.5 (Wolf); 21.29, 9.0 (Wolf); 29.29, 9.3 (Wolf). PERIODIC COMET BORRELLY (1987p) Ephemeris from the orbital elements on MPC 10522: 1987/88 ET R.A. (1950) Decl. Delta r m1 Sept. 2 3 12.36 -34 37.4 1.159 1.808 13.2 12 3 24.82 -35 58.1 22 3 34.17 -37 14.1 0.959 1.677 12.3 Oct. 2 3 39.50 -38 14.2 12 3 39.96 -38 41.9 0.782 1.560 11.4 22 3 34.86 -38 14.4 Nov. 1 3 24.23 -36 18.5 0.628 1.463 10.5 11 3 09.38 -32 15.1 21 2 52.80 -25 29.1 0.516 1.393 9.7 Dec. 1 2 37.79 -15 53.3 11 2 27.10 - 4 17.4 0.485 1.359 9.4 21 2 22.24 + 7 42.5 31 2 23.76 +18 37.4 0.564 1.365 9.8 Jan. 10 2 31.47 +27 45.6 20 2 45.01 +35 05.6 0.727 1.409 10.5 30 3 04.05 +40 52.6 Feb. 9 3 28.13 +45 22.3 0.936 1.486 11.4 19 3 56.74 +48 46.0 29 4 29.21 +51 11.9 1.172 1.590 12.4 Mar. 10 5 04.47 +52 44.8 20 5 41.29 +53 29.0 1.426 1.711 13.3 1987 August 20 (4439) Brian G. Marsden
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