Circular No. 4603 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 MARSDEN or GREEN@CFA.BITNET MARSDEN or GREEN@CFAPS2.SPAN PERIODIC COMET TEMPEL 2 (1987g) W. Wisniewski, University of Arizona, reports: "I monitored this comet with a standard photoelectric photometer on the 1.5-m Catalina reflector on the three nights May 20-22 UT. The range of variability was 0.5 mag. Assuming two maxima per period the observations are best represented by a rotation period of 8 hr 58 min, confirming the report by Jewitt and Luu on IAUC 4582. However, the amplitude is now smaller by 0.2 mag, indicating coma development. Maxima are at V = 15.51 (17" diaphragm) and 15.68 (12" diaphragm). An aperture test shows that 94 percent of the light from the nuclear region is included in the 17" diaphragm." Ephemeris from the orbital elements on MPC 11522: 1988/89 ET R.A. (1950) Decl. Delta r m1 May 19 15 57.48 + 3 45.7 0.881 1.853 13.0 29 15 47.77 + 3 57.9 June 8 15 37.94 + 3 27.3 0.793 1.733 12.2 18 15 29.68 + 2 09.7 28 15 24.58 + 0 07.1 0.769 1.622 11.6 July 8 15 23.63 - 2 33.4 18 15 27.35 - 5 43.5 0.786 1.526 11.1 28 15 35.93 - 9 13.9 Aug. 7 15 49.27 -12 55.7 0.824 1.451 10.5 17 16 07.29 -16 40.1 27 16 29.83 -20 17.5 0.879 1.401 9.7 Sept. 6 16 56.65 -23 37.7 16 17 27.43 -26 30.2 0.952 1.383 8.9 26 18 01.59 -28 44.9 Oct. 6 18 38.24 -30 13.7 1.052 1.399 8.1 16 19 16.28 -30 52.2 26 19 54.49 -30 40.2 1.187 1.446 8.2 Nov. 5 20 31.76 -29 42.1 15 21 07.32 -28 04.8 1.361 1.520 9.1 25 21 40.74 -25 57.3 Dec. 5 22 11.89 -23 28.3 1.573 1.615 10.4 15 22 40.87 -20 45.4 25 23 07.90 -17 55.0 1.820 1.724 11.2 Jan. 4 23 33.23 -15 02.1 14 23 57.14 -12 10.3 2.093 1.843 12.4 1988 May 25 (4603) Brian G. Marsden
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