Circular No. 4663 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only) TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM EASYLINK 62794505 MARSDEN or GREEN@CFA.BITNET MARSDEN or GREEN@CFAPS2.SPAN NOVA IN THE LARGE MAGELLANIC CLOUD 1988 No. 2 R. H. McNaught, Siding Spring Observatory, reports the discovery by Gordon Garradd, Tamworth, N.S.W, of another nova in the LMC. An exposure by McNaught on Oct. 13.5 UT with the Uppsala Southern Schmidt telescope yields the following position: R.A. = 5h08m14.02, Decl. = -68 41'22.6 (equinox 1950.0; rms 0".2). Magnitude estimates by Garradd (300-mm telephoto lens + hypered 2415 film) and McNaught (visual): Oct. 7.49, [14.5 (Garradd); 12.48, 11.3 (Garradd); 12.49, 11.3 (Garradd); 13.40, 10.4 (McNaught). Garradd notes that the nova is very close to HV 5609, as plotted on the Hodge/Wright atlas. A photograph of the LMC taken 1988 Oct. 7.72 by M. Hartley with the U.K. Schmidt Telescope shows no change to V magnitude 19 in the general vicinity of the nova. NOVA OPHIUCHI 1988 D. K. Lynch, R. J. Rudy, and G. S. Rossano, Space Sciences Laboratory, The Aerospace Corporation; and R. C. Puetter, University of California at San Diego, report: "We obtained near-infrared observations of Nova Oph 1988 using a cooled Ge grating spectrometer with a 7".5-diameter aperture on the Lick Observatory Shane 3-m telescope. Moderate-resolution spectroscopy (lambda/Delta(lambda) = 400) on Sept. 22.2 UT showed a weak continuum with moderate strength Paschen emission lines beta(5-3) through eta(10-3) also present. The strongest emission feature present was the He I 1083.0-nm line which had a line-to-continuum ratio of over 100:1." VY AQUARII Photoelectric photometry by M. Amoretti, Sanremo, Italy: Sept. 4.02 UT, V = 10.41, B-V = +0.30, U-B = -0.52. Visual magnitude estimates (cf. IAUC 4649): Sept. 2.48 UT, 10.8 (T. Kato, Kyoto, Japan); 3.88, 10.1 (S. Baroni, Milan, Italy); 6.16, 10.6 (R. King, Duluth, MN); 7.82, 11.2 (A. Perez, Paris, France); 9.86, 11.4 (S. Korth, Dusseldorf, W. Germany); 10.86, 11.7 (E. Schweitzer, Strasbourg, France); 11.50, 11.6 (A. Pearce, Woodlands, W. Australia); 12.85, 11.6 (M. Verdenet, Bourbon-Lancy, France); 13.89, 11.8 (P. Schmeer, Bischmisheim, W. Germany); 14.55, 12.0 (R. H. McNaught, Siding Spring Observatory); 15.86, 12.7 (Verdenet); 16.50, 13.6 (McNaught); 18.84, 14.5 (Verdenet); 28.44, [15.5 (McNaught); Oct. 2.38, 14.9 (A. Boattini, Piazzano, Italy). 1988 October 13 (4663) Daniel W. E. Green
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