Circular No. 4757 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only) TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM EASYLINK 62794505 MARSDEN or GREEN@CFA.BITNET MARSDEN or GREEN@CFAPS2.SPAN COMET SHOEMAKER-HOLT (1989j) Ephemeris from the orbital elements on IAUC 4756: 1989 ET R.A. (1950) Decl. Delta r m1 Mar. 5 10 48.46 +31 35.1 1.872 2.800 13.8 10 10 44.94 +31 57.5 15 10 41.77 +32 12.4 2.009 2.897 14.1 20 10 39.05 +32 20.3 25 10 36.82 +32 21.8 2.169 2.994 14.4 30 10 35.11 +32 17.5 Apr. 4 10 33.93 +32 08.1 2.348 3.092 14.8 RZ LEONIS This object is again in outburst (cf. IAUC 4504), as indicated by the following visual magnitude estimates: Mar. 10.64 UT, 13.6 (H. Narumi, Ehime, Japan); 10.75, 13.2 (Narumi); 10.92, 13.4 (S. Korth, Duesseldorf, W. Germany); 11.14, 12.8 (G. Dyck, N. Dartmouth, MA): 11.54, 13.7 (M. Iida, Nagano, Japan); 11.95, 13.8 (G. Hurst, Basingstoke, England). Z CAMELOPARDALIS This object seems to be again in a standstill phase, as indicated by the following visual magnitude estimates: Feb. 26.90 UT, 12.5 (P. Schmeer, Bischmisheim, West Germany); Mar. 3.84, 11.6 (Schmeer); 6.09, 11.7 (Schmeer); 7.18, 11.8 (P. Sventek, Houston, TX); 8.08, 11.8 (R. Hays, Worth, IL); 9.16, 11.9 (Hays); 11.14, 11.4 (G. Dyck, N. Dartmouth, MA); 13.17, 11.8 (Sventek). E. Waagen, AAVSO, notes that the last standstill of Z Cam occurred in 1987 June and lasted about 15 months. COMET SHOEMAKER (1989e) Total visual magnitude estimate (cf. IAUC 4732): Feb. 6.95 UT, 13.1 (M. Amoretti, Sanremo, Italy, 0.35-m reflector); 8.96, 13.2 (Amoretti); 12.47, 13.3 (A. Hale, Las Cruces, NM, 0.41-m reflector); 13.29, 13.7 (J. E. Bortle, Stormville, NY, 0.50-m reflector). 1989 March 13 (4757) Daniel W. E. Green
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