Circular No. 4935 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only) TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM EASYLINK 62794505 MARSDEN or GREEN@CFA.BITNET MARSDEN or GREEN@CFAPS2.SPAN CATALOGUE OF COMETARY ORBITS The sixth edition of the Catalogue of Cometary Orbits, a joint publication of the Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams and Minor Planet Center, is now available. The 1292 entries (complete through 1989 Nov.) represent a 9-percent increase over the 1986 edition, but since some of the statistical tables are omitted they are contained in only 96 pages; new features are a table giving the 'original' and 'future' barycentric reciprocal semimajor axes for the 264 long-period comets with well-determined orbits and a listing of the correspondences of provisional and Roman numeral designations in order of the former. Subscribers to these Circulars may purchase the new edition for $7.50 (half the cost to nonsubscribers), and arrangements can be made to debit a subscription account accordingly. The basic catalogue (including the comet names) and the listing of original and future orbits are also being issued in ASCII files, together with programs to extract specific orbits and calculate ephemerides (although these programs require an 8087 mathematical coprocessor), on an MS-DOS 5.25-inch 2S2D diskette for $75.00. The catalogue (but not the programs) is also available by e-mail (cost $37.50) or on magnetic tape (cost $300.00). COMET SKORICHENKO-GEORGE (1989e1) Concerning the independent discovery reported on IAUC 4929, K. I. Churyumov, Kiev Observatory, reports that discoverer Boris Nikolaevich Skorichenko of Mezmai, near Krasnodar, R.S.F.S.R., was using a 0.15-m reflector. BF CYGNI R. Viotti and A. Damineli, Istituto Astrofisica Spaziale CNR, Frascati; and C. Rossi and A. Altamore, Istituto Astronomico, Universita La Sapienza, Rome, write: "Near-infrared spectra of the recently-brightened symbiotic star BF Cyg secured on Nov. 14.7 UT with the Bologna Observatory 1.5-m telescope show, over the intense M spectrum, prominent emissions of Paschen lines (P-delta, equivalent width Weq = 0.08 nm; P-gamma, Weq about 0.3) and Fe II (999.7 nm; Weq = 0.13 nm). He I (1083 nm) displays a strong emission with Weq about 0.2 nm, and a possible P-Cyg absorption." 1989 December 30 (4935) Daniel W. E. Green
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