Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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The following International Astronomical Union Circular may be linked-to from your own Web pages, but must not otherwise be redistributed (see these notes on the conditions under which circulars are made available on our WWW site).

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 5084
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     EASYLINK 62794505

     Effective today, the monthly subscription rates for the printed
edition of these Circulars are increased to $10.00 (regular, i.e.,
invoiced accounts) or $6.00 (special, non-invoiced accounts).  Although
the increase is fairly substantial, it should be noted that there has
been no change in the rates since 1986, yet since 1987 the number of
Circulars issued each month has been consistently much higher than it
was before.  Even with the new rates, the publication of more than 15
Circulars per month implies a per-issue rate that is less than it was
during 1984-1986.  The increased production has meant that the mailing
of some issues--though rarely issues of great urgency--has been delayed
by more than one week.  We hope now to be able to increase the number
of mailings, for the great majority of our subscribers around the world
still depend on the printed edition.  Unfortunately, it appears that
the great majority of our current readers utilize the electronic
edition.  Nine months ago (cf. IAUC 4915), we asked those who regularly
read these Circulars on electronic bulletin boards to consider taking
out their own subscriptions to the printed edition.  Since the response
to this plea was less than overwhelming, the monthly subscription rates
for the electronic edition are being increased to $12.50 (regular) or
$7.50 (special).  These are the new rates that cover both the active
logins to our Computer Service and the passive e-mail delivery of the
Circulars.  As noted on IAUC 5065, neither process is entirely perfect,
although SPAN/HEPNET access is advantageous for the logins.  CS/e-mail
subscribers must also subscribe to the printed edition of either the
IAU Circulars or the Minor Planet Circulars.  Some users with access to
SPAN/HEPNET are not aware that there is also a login procedure that
allows them simply to e-mail particular Circulars to a specified
SPAN/HEPNET node and username; subscribers who qualify for this should
send a message (by SPAN) to one of the e-mail addresses above to
request further information.

     J. A. Mattei, AAVSO, reports the following photoelectric
V observations (cf. IAUC 5042) by L. Snyder, Crystal Bay, NV:
Aug. 17.203 UT, 8.27; 19.28, 8.25; 22.26, 8.17; 23.26, 8.18;
24.29, 8.18; 27.22, 8.09.  The uncertainty is +/- 0.01 mag.

1990 September 1               (5084)              Brian G. Marsden

Read IAUC 5083  SEARCH Read IAUC 5085

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