Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC 5107: V1333 Aql; 1990d; GK Per

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 5107
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     EASYLINK 62794505

     S. A. Ilovaisky and C. Chevalier, Observatoire de Haute-
Provence, write: "CCD photometry of V1333 Aql (the optical
counterpart of the low-mass recurrent x-ray transient Aquila X-1)
throughout its current outburst, obtained with the 1.2-m OHP
reflector, shows that the object was as bright on Sept. 19 as three
months earlier when first observed, 1-2 weeks after turn-on (IAUC
5036).  The star is seen to vary on timescales ranging from hours to
days.  Its magnitude seldom rises above V = 17.5 and has dropped
on occasions to V = 18.1 (normal quiescent level is V = 19.3).
This extended activity behavior at mid-intensity is strikingly
different from the other previous well-recorded outburst in 1978
(Charles et al. 1980, Ap.J. 237, 154; Lyutyj and Shugarov 1980,
Sov. Ast. Let. 5, 206), when the object exhibited a decline from
V = 15.5 to 18 over about 2 months.  X-ray and/or radio observations
are urgently needed.  Further optical monitoring is planned
at OHP."

     Extended ephemeris from orbital elements on IAUC 5026:

     1990 ET      R.A. (1950) Decl.     Delta      r       m1
     Sept.26    16 57.53    - 8 44.5    1.930    1.889    15.6
     Oct.  6    17 19.96    - 8 02.6
          16    17 42.00    - 7 20.5    2.205    1.994    16.2
          26    18 03.67    - 6 36.2
     Nov.  5    18 24.95    - 5 47.9    2.484    2.108    16.8
          15    18 45.83    - 4 54.5
          25    19 06.30    - 3 55.3    2.757    2.228    17.4
     Dec.  5    19 26.32    - 2 49.7
          15    19 45.88    - 1 37.6    3.017    2.352    18.0

     Visual magnitude estimates (cf. IAUC 4891):  1989 Dec. 2.71 UT,
13.0 (A. Boattini, Florence, Italy); 1990 Jan. 30.81, 13.0 (P.
Schmeer, Bischmisheim, West Germany); Mar. 3.80, 13.1 (Boattini);
Apr. 16.79, 13.2 (Boattini); July 18.06, 13.0 (Schmeer); Aug. 18.10,
13.0 (Schmeer); Sept. 20.90, 13.1 (Boattini, Botinaccio, Italy).

1990 October 1                 (5107)             Daniel W. E. Green

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