Circular No. 5123 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only) TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM EASYLINK 62794505 MARSDEN or GREEN@CFA.BITNET MARSDEN or GREEN@CFAPS2.SPAN SUPERNOVA 1990ae IN ANONYMOUS GALAXY R. Lopez, University of Barcelona, reports: "A low-resolution, first-order spectrum, taken on Oct. 25 with the Faint Object Spectrograph (range 460-980 nm) on the 4.2-m William Herschel Telescope at La Palma by G. Gomez, J. A. Rodriguez, A. Aparicio, and A. Diego (Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias and Observatorio de Roque de los Muchachos), confirms the previous report on IAUC 5119 that SN 1990ae is a type-II supernova, as inferred from its characteristic H-alpha P-Cyg profile. The feature presents broad emission and well-marked absorption wings, with an inferred relative velocity of about 5100 km/s." THE GALACTIC CENTER R. Sunyaev, on behalf of the GRANAT Team, reports: "Using the coded mask imaging spectrometer ART-P, two previously unknown x-ray sources were discovered during a survey of the Galactic Center region, < 1.8 deg from Sgr A. GRS 1736-297, detected on Sept. 18, is at R.A. = 17h36m20s.6, Decl. = -29 41'50" (equinox 1950.0). Another source, GRS 1734-292 (R.A. = 17h34m13s.4, Decl. = -29 09'02"), was outside the instrument 3.4 deg x 3.6 deg field-of-view at that time. (The positions were determined within 1' error boxes). On Oct. 6 both sources were observed. The sources have hard spectra with a strong absorption at low energies. The 3- to 12-keV fluxes were about 2 mCrab for both sources. Three other sources, 1E 1740-294, A1742-294, and SLX 1732-304, were detected in the same field." COMET LEVY (1990c) Total visual magnitude estimates (cf. IAUC 5100): Sept. 27.52 UT, 5.4 (A. Pearce, Scarborough, W.A., 20x80 binoculars); 29.00, 6.1 (V. F. de Assis Neto, Sao Francisco de Oliveira, Brazil, 10x70 binoculars); Oct. 8.94, 5.6 (de Assis Neto; 0.6 deg tail in p.a. 115 deg); 15.49, 6.0 (Pearce; 0.8 deg tail in p.a. 122 deg); 22.48, 6.0 (Pearce; 0.33 deg tail). PERIODIC COMET WILD 2 (1989t) Total visual magnitude estimates by A. Hale, Las Cruces, NM (0.41-m reflector): Oct. 17.50 UT, 12.5; 23.50, 12.5. 1990 October 26 (5123) Daniel W. E. Green
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