Circular No. 5260 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only) TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM EASYLINK 62794505 MARSDEN or GREEN@CFA.BITNET MARSDEN or GREEN@CFAPS2.SPAN NOVA IN THE LARGE MAGELLANIC CLOUD 1991 M. Della Valle, European Southern Observatory, reports: "Analysis of flux-calibrated spectra (range 370-900 nm, resolution about 1.5 nm) obtained by P. Leisy on May 6.15 UT with the 3.6-m telescope (+ EFOSC) at La Silla, shows this to be a nova during its pre-nebular stage ('4640 phase'). The spectrum is dominated by the Balmer emission lines H-alpha (FWHM about 2500 km/s), H-beta (about 2100 km/s), H-gamma (about 2150 km/s), H-delta (about 2350 km/s), and H- epsilon (about 2200 km/s), and also by the prominent blend at 464.5 nm (N III + C III). Broad emissions are also visible at 492.4, 501.8, 516.9 (Fe II multiplet 42), 531.7 (Fe II mult. 48), 575 (blend O I + [N II]), and 630.0-636.4 nm ([O I]). In the near- infrared region, the emissions at 777.5 (O I mult. 1) and 844.6 nm (O I mult. 4) stand out, whereas the 706.5-nm (He I), and 823-nm (O I mult. 34) lines appear still weak." R. H. McNaught, Anglo-Australian Observatory, reports the following photographic magnitudes obtained from U.K. Schmidt Telescope (UKST) J plates taken by A. Savage, M. Hartley, and S. M. Hughes and from Tech Pan film exposures by G. Garradd, Tamworth, N.S.W. (G): Mar. 12.43 UT, [20.5 (UKST); 21.48, [19 (UKST); Apr. 12.41, 19.7: (UKST); 15.40, [15 (G); 16.40, 14.9 (UKST); 16.44, 14.5 (G); 20.40, 11.6 (UKST); 20.54, 11.3 (G). Note that some of these magnitudes are revisions of those initially reported on IAUC 5244. PERIODIC COMET SHOEMAKER-LEVY 4 (1991f) Orbital elements from MPC 18081: T = 1990 July 14.5431 ET Peri. = 302.2295 e = 0.422300 Node = 151.4066 1950.0 q = 2.017506 AU Incl. = 8.4785 a = 3.492310 AU n = 0.1510202 P = 6.526 years 1991 ET R.A. (1950) Decl. Delta r m1 May 4 11 28.15 +10 13.5 2.196 2.904 18.3 14 11 29.58 +10 02.5 24 11 32.87 + 9 37.6 2.517 2.990 18.8 June 3 11 37.79 + 9 01.3 13 11 44.10 + 8 15.5 2.865 3.075 19.2 23 11 51.57 + 7 22.0 1991 May 6 (5260) Daniel W. E. Green
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