Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 5298: 1991ai; SVS 13

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 5298
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     EASYLINK 62794505

SUPERNOVA 1991ai IN IC 4434
     C. Pollas, Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur, reports his discovery
on OCA Schmidt tech pan films of an apparent supernova in IC
4434 (R.A. = 14h25m32s.62, Decl. = +16 25'49".1, equinox 1950.0).
The supernova, of mag 18.5 on July 2.93 and 3.93 UT, is located at
R.A. = 14h25m33s.09, Decl. = +16 25'43".9.  Nothing is visible to
mag 21 on a plate taken Apr. 20.0, nor is anything present on POSS
prints at the position of SN 1991ai.  There is a star of mag about
15 located at R.A. = 14h25m33s.50, Decl. = +16 27'46".9.

SVS 13
     J. Eisloffel, E. Gunther, F. V. Hessman, R. Mundt, and R.
Poetzel, Max-Planck-Institut fur Astronomie, Heidelberg; S. Beckwith,
Cornell University; J. Carr, University of Hawaii; and T. Ray,
Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, communicate:  "We confirm the
optical outburst of SVS 13, the exciting source of Herbig-Haro objects
7-11 (cf. IAUC 5261; R.A. = 3h25m58s.15, Decl. = +31 05'45".2,
equinox 1950.0).  According to our CCD archives and recently obtained
CCD images from the Calar Alto 3.5-m telescope, the outburst
of about 3 mag occurred between 1988 Dec. and 1990 Sept.  Our CCD
frames taken through a narrowband red filter (central wavelength 674
nm) show that the source was still rising by about 0.06 mag/month
between 1990 Sept. and 1991 Feb. 9 (our last measurement).  A similar
outburst amplitude is observed at V, R, and I.  On 1991 Jan. 17,
we measured B = 22.8, V = 20.2, R = 18.1, and I = 16.0 at the ESO/
MPI 2.2-m telescope.  Infrared photometry carried out in early 1991
Jan. at the Palomar 5-m telescope provided the following magnitudes:
J = 11.84, H = 9.92, K = 8.05, L' = 5.66, M = 4.28, and N = 1.5.
Compared to the measurements of Cohen and Schwartz from 1981 Dec.
(Ap.J. 265, 877), the outburst amplitude is 1.8 mag in H, 1.2 mag in
K, and 0.35 mag in N.  An optical spectrum in the red of SVS 13
obtained on 1990 Nov. 19 at the Calar Alto 3.5-m telescope shows
emission lines (H-alpha, Fe II 651.6-nm) typical of a T Tau star or
Herbig-Ae star.  An infrared spectrum around 2.3 microns obtained on
1990 Dec. 17 at the  University of Hawaii 2.2-m telescope shows no
change (compared to 1986 Oct.) in the equivalent widths of the CO
emission band heads (nu = 2-0 and 3-1).  Follow-up observations at
optical, infrared, and radio wavelengths are urgently required to
monitor the unique outburst of this famous young outflow source."

1991 July 5                    (5298)             Daniel W. E. Green

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