Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC 6824: QX Nor; 55P; C/1995 O1; 29P

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IAUC number

                                                 Circular No. 6824
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Mailstop 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/cbat.html
Phone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)

     S. Corbel, Centre d'Etudes Atomiques, Saclay; D. Hannikainen,
University of Helsinki Observatory; and J. F. Gonzalez and O. R.
Hainaut, European Southern Observatory (ESO), report:  "Following
the recent x-ray outburst of the soft x-ray transient 4U 1608-52
detected by RXTE (IAUC 6819), observations with the ESO 3.5-m New
Technology Telescope at La Silla revealed that the optical
counterpart QX Nor is also flaring.  Total magnitudes on Feb. 16
(eight days after soft-x-ray maximum) are V = 20.07 +/- 0.06, R =
18.92 +/- 0.04, and I = 17.78 +/- 0.05, which indicate a
brightening of more than 3 mag in R, compared to the quiescent
state (Wachter 1997, Ap.J. 485, 839).  Radio observations and
optical spectroscopy, as well as follow-up photometry, are strongly

     T. L. Hayward, Cornell University; and M. S. Hanner, Jet
Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, write:
"We observed comet 55P in the mid-infrared on Jan. 14.5 UT with the
5-m Hale telescope (+ SpectroCam-10).  Imaging at 10.3 microns
revealed a point-like source with flux density 2.1 +/- 0.2 Jy.  A
spectrogram (range 8-13 microns; resolution 100) showed that the
emission was close to a 320-K blackbody, compared to an equilibrium
temperature of 253 K for r = 1.215 AU.  A weak silicate feature may
be present about 5 percent above the continuum.  If the emission
were from a bare nucleus at 320 K, then the observed flux implies a
nuclear radius of 2 km."

     Total visual magnitude estimates:  Jan. 26.60 UT, 8.1 (A.
Pearce, Nedlands, W. Australia, 20x80 binoculars); Feb. 1.03, 8.2
(J. G. de S. Aguiar, Campinas, Brazil, 0.23-m reflector); 7.60, 8.4
(Pearce); 16.50, 8.6 (M. Mattiazzo, Wallaroo, S. Australia, 0.20-m
reflector); 18.61, 8.4 (Pearce).

     Visual m_1 estimates:  Feb. 1.06 UT, 13.1 (K. Sarneczky,
Raktanya, Hungary, 0.25-m reflector); 5.17, 12.5: (K. Hornoch,
Lelekovice, Czech Republic, 0.35-m reflector).
     Corrigendum.  On IAUC 6816, lines 1-2, for Jan. 14.25 and
24.25 UT  read  Jan. 15.25 and 25.25 UT

                      (C) Copyright 1998 CBAT
1998 February 19               (6824)            Daniel W. E. Green

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