Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 6833: S/1997 U 1; S/1997 U 2

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 6833
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Mailstop 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/cbat.html
Phone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)

S/1997 U 1
     This ephemeris, from the orbit given on IAUC 6780 for the fainter of
the two new Uranian satellites, is likely to be in error by several arcmin.
The columns headed dR.A. and dDecl. give the offsets from Uranus in R.A.
(including the cos Decl. factor) and Decl., each in arcsec, the sign
being at the end.

1998 TT     R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta     r_U   Elong.  dR.A.   dDecl.
Mar.  8    20 53.52    -18 12.7   20.666    0.061   36.5    358-    418-
     18    20 55.40    -18 05.2   20.554    0.061   46.0    388-    422-
     28    20 57.07    -17 58.5   20.421    0.061   55.5    415-    423-
Apr.  7    20 58.48    -17 52.9   20.272    0.062   65.1    440-    422-
     17    20 59.60    -17 48.4   20.112    0.062   74.6    463-    419-
     27    21 00.42    -17 45.1   19.944    0.062   84.1    484-    414-
May   7    21 00.92    -17 43.2   19.773    0.062   93.7    502-    406-
     17    21 01.09    -17 42.6   19.603    0.062  103.3    518-    395-
     27    21 00.93    -17 43.4   19.441    0.062  113.0    532-    381-
June  6    21 00.46    -17 45.4   19.289    0.062  122.7    542-    365-
     16    20 59.69    -17 48.7   19.154    0.062  132.4    550-    346-
     26    20 58.65    -17 52.9   19.037    0.062  142.2    556-    325-
July  6    20 57.39    -17 58.0   18.944    0.062  152.1    557-    301-
     16    20 55.96    -18 03.7   18.877    0.061  162.0    556-    275-
     26    20 54.41    -18 09.7   18.838    0.061  171.9    551-    247-

S/1997 U 2
     P. D. Nicholson, Cornell University, reports that B. J. Gladman
and J. A. Burns have located images of the brighter Uranian satellite
(IAUC 6764, 6780, etc.) on plates taken with the Canada-France-Hawaii
Telescope in 1984.  Semiaccurate measurements (uncertainty +/- 3")
for them are listed below, together with some additional recent CCD data:

               UT             R.A. (2000) Decl.       Observer
     1984 June  1.5556    16 40 44.2    -22 07 02     Cruikshank
                2.5410    16 40 34.0    -22 06 40       "
     1997 Nov. 30.06641   20 32 40.90   -19 22 30.3   Offutt
               30.09408   20 32 41.08   -19 22 29.6   Holman
          Dec. 17.06851   20 35 43.90   -19 11 15.5   Offutt

D. P. Cruikshank (Mauna Kea).  Measurer B. J. Gladman.
W. B. Offutt (Cloudcroft).  0.6-m f/7 Ritchey-Chretien.
M. J. Holman and W. R. Brown (Mt. Hopkins).  1.2-m reflector.

                      (C) Copyright 1998 CBAT
1998 March 7                   (6833)              Brian G. Marsden

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