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IAUC 6834: S/1997 U 2

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 6834
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Mailstop 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/cbat.html
Phone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)

S/1997 U 2
     Following up IAUC 6833, computations by B. G. Marsden, G. V. Williams,
and also K. Aksnes, show that the orbit from the 1997 observations alone is
sufficiently indeterminate that there is no a priori knowledge of the number
N of revolutions made by the satellite between 1984 and 1997.  Nevertheless,
the extensive series of data by W. B. Offutt, in particular, renders it
rather likely that N = 6, the residuals from solutions with N = 5 or 7
yielding small, but definite, systematic trends in the residuals.

                    Epoch = 1998 July  6.0 TT
     T = 1999 June 30.0377 TT         Peri. = 340.9973
     e = 0.344510                     Node  = 244.5561  2000.0
     q = 0.038760 AU                  Incl. = 154.5251
       a =  0.059132 AU    n = 0.452927     P = 795 days

1998 TT     R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta     r_U   Elong.  dR.A.   dDecl.
Mar.  8    20 54.31    -18 00.8   20.578    0.077   36.3    312+    298+
     18    20 56.27    -17 53.2   20.470    0.078   45.8    351+    301+
     28    20 58.01    -17 46.4   20.343    0.078   55.3    389+    303+
Apr.  7    20 59.49    -17 40.8   20.199    0.079   64.8    426+    304+
     17    21 00.68    -17 36.3   20.045    0.079   74.3    461+    305+
     27    21 01.57    -17 33.2   19.882    0.079   83.8    496+    304+
May   7    21 02.12    -17 31.4   19.717    0.079   93.4    529+    302+
     17    21 02.35    -17 31.0   19.553    0.079  103.0    561+    299+
     27    21 02.24    -17 32.1   19.396    0.080  112.6    591+    295+
June  6    21 01.81    -17 34.5   19.251    0.079  122.3    619+    289+
     16    21 01.08    -17 38.2   19.120    0.079  132.1    644+    281+
     26    21 00.08    -17 42.9   19.010    0.079  141.9    668+    272+
July  6    20 58.85    -17 48.6   18.922    0.079  151.7    689+    262+
     16    20 57.44    -17 54.9   18.860    0.079  161.6    707+    250+
     26    20 55.90    -18 01.6   18.826    0.078  171.5    723+    237+
Aug.  5    20 54.31    -18 08.5   18.821    0.078  178.4    736+    223+
     15    20 52.72    -18 15.2   18.846    0.077  168.5    746+    208+
     25    20 51.20    -18 21.5   18.900    0.077  158.5    754+    193+
Sept. 4    20 49.82    -18 27.1   18.981    0.076  148.5    758+    177+
     14    20 48.63    -18 31.9   19.088    0.075  138.5    760+    161+
     24    20 47.69    -18 35.7   19.217    0.075  128.5    759+    144+
Oct.  4    20 47.03    -18 38.2   19.364    0.074  118.5    756+    128+
     14    20 46.68    -18 39.5   19.526    0.073  108.6    750+    112+
     24    20 46.68    -18 39.5   19.697    0.072   98.6    741+     96+

                      (C) Copyright 1998 CBAT
1998 March 7                   (6834)              Brian G. Marsden

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