Web Access to MPC/CBAT Computer Services
Here are links to the MPC/CBAT (Extended) Computer Services on the WWW.
link to the downloadable versions of the various
journals is at the bottom of the list.
- Page listing known problems
with pages/scripts on this site and their resolution
- MPC Orbit (MPCORB) Database
The MPC's database of orbital elements of minor planets is
available for anon-ftp downloading from
It is updated daily as new orbits are computed at the MPC. You should
examine the file ReadMe.txt
for details on which version of MPCORB you should download.
- Mirror sites of the MPCORB datafiles are available.
- Details on the different
access modes for the Web Computer Services.
- Web Computer Service
- If prompted for a username and password when trying to access one of the
services listed below, enter the CS/ECS username and CS password.
- Circulars, ephemerides, orbital elements and services for
observers are available here.
- Circulars are now accessible
- IAUMail: Resend e-mail circulars
that fail to arrive.
- Web Extended Computer Service
- If prompted for a username and password when trying to access one of the
services listed below, enter the CS/ECS username and ECS password.
- NOTE: These services will be unavailable while the files are
being updated with each monthly batch of MPCs. When mid-month
MPS batches are being filed, access will also be disabled.
The files are current through the batch of
Minor Planet Circulars dated
2010 JAN. 30
The files are current through the batch of
Minor Planet Circulars dated
2010 JAN. 30
- There is now the option to download observation files that are
complete through the last mid-month MPS batch.
The files available currently are those for the batches of
Minor Planet Circulars dated
2010 JAN. 30
2009 DEC. 31
- MPCArchive: allows access to the complete sets of PDF versions of
the back issues of the MPCs, MPSs and MPOs.
- MPCOBS. Extract observations
of specific minor planets, comets and natural satellites.
- The latest batch of new names
and citations is available prior to the release of the main datafiles
associated with each batch of MPCs.
- New batches are put on-line when they are completed. Normally, new
batches will be on-line on or before the date of full moon, but if
they are delayed (generally because of a later than normal start
date), please do not send us messages asking where they are!
- Downloadable PostScript and PDF versions
of recent MPC, MPS and MPO issues
- In order to access these PS/PDF files you must have a subscription to
the Minor Planet Circulars (MPCs) (a subscription to the
Minor Planet Electronic Circulars (MPECs) is not sufficient).
- In light of the severe truncation in the distribution of printed
versions of the MPCs, all MPC subscribers may now
download these files.
- If you are an ECS subscriber, use your CS id and ECS password
to access these files.
- If you are a CS subscriber, use your CS id and CS password
to access these files.
- If you subscribe to neither the CS nor ECS, you should make an
e-mail request for your access details to
- If you have more than one account, make sure you use the access
details from the account with the MPC subscription.
- This service allows access to the two most recent issues only.
- You are asked to notify us via e-mail (to
iausubs@cfa.harvard.edu) if you wish to no longer receive
any printed MPCs via snail-mail.
access to the computer services has been
Please note that the WebCS username and password are case sensitive! If
you are a subscriber and you have problems please send e-mail to
, stating your account number.
Index to the CBAT/MPC/ICQ pages