Circular No. 2976 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK Western Union: RAPID SATELLITE CAMBMASS PERIODIC COMET D'ARREST (1976e) A. Mrkos, Klet Observatory, provides the following positions: 1976 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. m2 June 24.97100 18 52 35.72 +21 42 22.3 14.8 24.98211 18 52 35.97 +21 42 30.9 30.97389 19 00 13.28 +22 04 26.0 14.6 30.98708 19 00 14.11 +22 04 29.7 July 2.99725 19 03 08.35 +22 04 03.2 14.6 3.00870 19 03 09.28 +22 04 04.9 3.94939 19 04 35.90 +22 02 19.6 14.4 3.96084 19 04 36.80 +22 02 17.3 H. U. Keller and Rh. Lust, Max Planck Institut fur Physik und Astrophysik, point out that the comet will occult the star HR 8054 = BD -1 4095 = HD 200340 (magnitude 6.3, spectrum B8) on Aug. 6. Calculations by the undersigned indicate that the geocentric separation will be 3" at 21h31m UT, with the substellar point in the extreme western Indian Ocean. The occultation track will run from west of western Europe (around 21h21m) to south of western Australia (21h41m). The comet, the geocentric parallax of which will be 56", will pass within 0'.5 of the star for most observers in Europe, Africa, southern Asia and western Australia. J. Bortle, Brooks Observatory, provides further visual magnitude estimates (32-cm reflector): July 15.09 UT, 10.1; 16.11, 9.8, 18.12, 9.4; 19.11, 9.4; 20.10, 9.5. The coma, of diameter 4'-6', was extremely diffuse in its outer regions, but strongly condensed within some 0'.5 of the center. COMET HARLAN (1976g) Further precise positions have been reported as follows: 1976 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. m1 m2 Observer May 19.49431 13 11 37.57 +42 22 07.4 14 Urata 24.92044 13 07 46.74 +41 09 07.0 Mrkos 24.93190 13 07 46.22 +41 08 55.9 17.0 " 28.91971 13 05 29.13 +40 08 52.8 16.8 " 28.93551 13 05 28.16 +40 08 38.4 " 29.91539 13 04 59.03 +39 53 02.7 16.8 " 29.92998 13 04 58.65 +39 52 46.6 " June 18.17396 13 01 14.87 +33 52 31.3 Giclas 21.91956 13 01 47.54 +32 32 04.9 16.3 Mrkos 21.93414 13 01 47.68 +32 31 46.3 " 24.90694 13 02 30.53 +31 25 57.5 16.2 " 24.92153 13 02 30.92 +31 25 40.0 " 26.90530 13 03 07.39 +30 40 47.0 16.2 " 26.91971 13 03 07.81 +30 40 21.5 " 28.53542 13 03 42.1 +30 03 18 Seki 28.55382 13 03 42.5 +30 02 54 " 30.89861 13 04 40.53 +29 08 14.5 16.0 Mrkos 30.91304 13 04 40.68 +29 08 05.8 " July 2.91958 13 05 37.39 +28 20 29.3 16.0 " 2.93388 13 05 37.85 +28 20 10.1 " T. Urata (JCPM Yakiimo Sta.). From Nihondaira Obs. Circ. No. 767. A. Mrkos (Klet Observatory). H. L. Giclas (Lowell Observatory). Measurer: M. L. Kantz. T. Seki (Geisei Station). From Yamamoto Circ. No. 1832. COMET BRADFIELD (1976a) The following precise positions have been reported: 1976 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. m1 Observer Mar. 19.47049 4 42 29.55 + 8 57 57.1 Suzuki 21.43160 4 58 28.0 +13 51 59 10 Urata 21.45046 4 58 37.3 +13 54 44 " 21.45174 4 58 37.5 +13 54 57 Akiyama Apr. 20.90528 9 15 04.75 +50 14 46.6 12.5 Dykes 24.93248 9 38 59.26 +50 30 04.6 13.0 Haddow May 1.66319 10 12 50.3 +50 10 02 Seki K. Suzuki (JCPM Oi Station). 21-cm f/5 reflector. Measurer: M. Takeishi. From Nihondaira Obs. Circ. No. 777 T. Urata (JCPM Yakiimo Stations) and M. Akiyama (Mishima). Corrections to IAUC 2956. From Nihondaira Obs. Circ. No. 777. M. R. Dykes and K. A. Haddow (Woolston Observatory). Measurer: R. L. Waterfield. T. Seki (Geisei Station). Comet image very diffuse. COMET BRADFIELD (1975p) The following precise positions, by T. Urata, JCPM Yakiimo Station, are from Nihondaira Obs. Circ. Nos. 767 and 777: 1976 UT R. A. (1950) Decl. m1 Jan. 19.38299 21 01 35.99 +25 58 11.1 11 23.38804 21 29 05.02 +30 12 11.3 12 23.38851 21 29 05.51 +30 12 14.2 1976 July 23 (2976) Brian G. Marsden
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