Circular No. 2977 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Cable Address: SATELLITES, NEWYORK Western Union: RAPID SATELLITE CAMBMASS RADIO FLARE FROM CIRCINUS X-1 R. F. Haynes, J. L. Caswell and L. W. Simons, C.S.I.R.O. Division of Radiophysics, report: "During 6-cm (5009 MHz) continuum observations of the galactic plane the radio source near R.A = 15h16m.8, Decl. = -56o59' (equinox 1950.0) was found to flare in intensity from 0.3 Jy on May 28d03h46m UT to 4.1 Jy on May 30d08h43m. These observations confirm the suggested association with Cir X-1 (Clark, Parkinson and Caswell 1975, Nature 254, 674)." A1919+43 B. A. Cooke and M. J. Ricketts, X-Ray Astronomy Group, Leicester University, inform us that Ariel 5 observations around 3U 1921+43 have refined the position to within a 90-percent-confidence error box with coordinates (equinox 1950.0) R.A. = 19h19m48s, Decl. = +44o10'; 19h17m53s, +43o45'; 19h18m50s, +43o36'; 19h20m43s, +44o00'. The source is probably associated with Abell 2319, not CSVS 4693 (IAUC 2972). The x-ray flux is consistent with that in the 3U Catalogue and shows no sign of variability on timescales greater than a few days. PERIODIC COMETS TEMPEL-SWIFT AND NEUJMIN 2 The following predicted elements for these lost comets have been derived by the undersigned. Handb. Br. Astron. Assoc. for 1976 contains a very similar prediction (including an ephemeris) for P/Neujmin 2 by N. A. Belyaev. Neither comet is at al favorably placed for recovery at its current return. P/Tempel-Swift P/Neujmin 2 Epoch = 1976 May 22.0 1976 July 1.0 ET T = 1976 May 25.7850 1976 June 18.2747 ET Peri. = 163.7882 214.8946 Node = 240.0178 307.2299 1950.0 Incl. = 13.4607 5.3642 q = 1.599513 1.277018 AU e = 0.536446 0.585157 a = 3.450542 3.078313 AU n = 0.1537705 0.1824882 P = 6.410 5.401 years 1976 July 23 (2977) Brian G. Marsden
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