Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC 3333: mu Sgr; 1979 BA

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3333
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     Telephone 617-864-5758

     M. Plavec, Department of Astronomy, University of California
at Los Angeles, writes: "The star mu Sgr (HD 166937, V ~ 3.86, B8Ia)
has long been known to be a single-spectrum spectroscopic binary
with a period of 180.45 days.  Elvey (1938, Astrophys. J. 88, 110)
observed a shallow partial eclipse of the B8 supergiant, with a
duration of about 20 days and a maximum depth (in B) of ~ 0.14
magnitude.  In 1978, using the spectrographs aboard the satellites IUE
and Copernicus, R. S. Polidan and I detected a flux excess and some
spectral lines in the region 1000-1400 A, presumably due to a hotter
companion, of spectral type perhaps B0-3V.  An eclipse of this
companion was predicted for 1978 Sept. 11, and indeed Copernicus
scans on Sept. 12-14 showed a considerably reduced flux in the region
1000-1200 A.  Although the star has not been observed for many
years, the old ephemeris therefore appears to be good enough to
predict the next mid-eclipse of the companion for 1979 Mar. 10.  Since
this is the primary eclipse its depth in B may well be as much as
0.35 magnitude.  The duration of the eclipse may be ~ 20 days."

1979 BA
     Y. Kozai, Tokyo Astronomical Observatory, telexes the following
observation by E. Helin and K. Tomita at the Kiso Station:

     1979 UT          R. A. (1950) Decl.      Mag.
     Feb. 19.46767   10 33.9     +27 16       17

     This approximate position leads to a slight refinement (Incl. =
46o.2) of the elements on IAUC 3329 and the resulting ephemeris:

     1979 ET     R. A. (1950) Decl.     Delta     r     Mag.
     Mar.  8    10 10.80    +39 29.3    0.841   1.741   17.3
          13    10 04.85    +42 00.0
          18     9 59.90    +44 00.4    0.944   1.767   17.7
          23     9 56.12    +45 34.2
          28     9 53.63    +46 44.9    1.063   1.792   18.1
     Apr.  2     9 52.45    +47 36.2
           7     9 52.57    +48 11.5    1.191   1.818   18.4
          12     9 53.91    +48 33.3
          17     9 56.36    +48 43.9    1.322   1.843   18.7

1979 February 26               (3333)              Brian G. Marsden

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