Circular No. 3355 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-864-5758 SUPERNOVA IN NGC 4321 G. de Vaucouleurs, University of Texas, writes that provisional reductions of visual observations made by him with the 30-cm finder of the 205-cm reflector at the McDonald Observatory and of photoelectric observations by B. Smith and B. Beardsley with the 75-cm reflector yield the following: 1979 UT mv V B-V U-B Apr. 23.2 12.08 12.05 +0.10 -0.49 24.2 12.14 12.09 +0.12 -0.45 25.2 12.03 26.2 12.4: The supernova is very blue in U-B and apparently unobscured, corresponding to Pskovskij's (1977, Soviet Astron. 21, 675) beta class 10 at or near maximum. The observed value B = 12.2 at maximum is consistent with the characteristic M_B = -18.5 for type I supernovae at maximum if the Virgo S cloud modulus is B - A_B - M_B = 30.5 and A_B = 0.2 (Astrophys. J. 1979, 227, 729). The three previously recorded supernovae in this galaxy, 1901B, 1914A and 1959E, were of magnitudes 15.6, 15.7 and 17.5 at maximum, respectively. G. F. O. Schnur, European Southern Observatory, informs us that his observations on IAUC 3351 refer to the wrong star and should therefore be ignored. NOVALIKE OBJECT IN VULPECULA Photoelectric observations by R. E. Zissell, Williston Observatory: Apr. 21.34 UT, V = 8.85; 25.33, 8.81. NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS Several contributors are still telexing information to the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory's Communications Center, rather than to the TWX number 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM. This is a source of both inconvenience and delay. Those sending information by cablegram or regular telegram should also use the TWX number and answerback in the address. The words Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory should not be used. The Central Bureau's TWX machine is officially registered under the address CENTRAL BUREAU FOR ASTRON, CAMBRIDGE, MASS, and use of this is optional. 1979 May 4 (3355) Brian G. Marsden
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