Circular No. 3475 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-864-5758 BL LACERTAE M. F. Aller, H. D. Aller and P. E. Hodge, University of Michigan Radio Astronomy Observatory, report a major outburst in progress in BL Lac at 14.5 and 8.0 GHz. The flux density at 14.5 GHz on May 6 was 10.4 +/- 0.3 Jy, up from 5.7 +/- 0.2 Jy on Apr. 17, and the 8.0-GHz flux density on May 4 was 6.9 +/- 0.1 Jy. This is the highest level observed at centimeter wavelengths in BL Lac since mid-1974 and follows a period of increase in flux density from a minimum below 2 Jy in 1979 Aug. SS 433 G. H. Newsom and G. W. Collins, II, Department of Astronomy, Ohio State University, write: "The amplitude of the 6-day periodicity in SS 433, reported on IAUC 3459, is about 5 percent of the dominant 165-day variation. Hence the search by Margon et al. (IAUC 3469), sensitive to a 6-day amplitude of twice this amount, should not have detected this periodicity. The periods we reported on IAUC 3459 are statistica1ly significant (p < 0.01 for each set of moving lines). We repeated Margon's sampling technique for detecting artifact periods in the data base available to us, and we do find large amplitudes for some periods, but none is statistically significant for either set of lines (p < 0.04). Hence the presence of the period in these data is not an artifact of the nonuniform spacing of the observations." 4U 2129+47 J. McClintock, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, communicates that 4U 2129+47 (cf. Thorstensen et al. 1979, A .J. 233, L57) will be observed using the Einstein X-Ray Observatory during the interval June 13.2-13.5 UT. Persons interested in making coordinated optical observations should contact him (telephone 617-253-7528) or J. Kriss (617-253-7457) for further information. U GEMINORUM J. Mattei communicates the following AAVSO observations of the latest outburst: May 6.07 UT, mv = 13.4 (E. Mayer, Barberton, OH); 7.07, 10.4 (Mayer); 7.20, 9.6 (C. Spratt, Victoria, BC); 8.08, 9.4 (P. Goodwin, Shreveport, LA); 9.08, 8.9 (Mayer). 1980 May 12 (3475) Brian G. Marsden
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