Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 3896: VY Aqr; 1983v

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 3896
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     Telephone 617-864-5758

     Several observers have independently reported that this
object, considered a recurrent nova (IAUC 3759) but more probably a
dwarf nova, is currently in outburst.  Visual (photovisual for
some of the negative observations) magnitude estimates: Nov. 23.8
UT, [12.0 (D. McAdam, Telford, England); 25.37, [15 (M. Huruhata,
Tokyo Observatory); 27.04, [14 (J. Bortle, Stormville, NY); 28.43,
11.1 (S. Fujino, Hamamatsu, Japan); 28.79, 10.3 (R. McNaught,
Royal Greenwich Observatory); 30.02, 10.7 (Bortle); 30.38, 11.2
(Huruhata); 30.82, 10.4 (McNaught); Dec. 2.0, 10.7 (Bortle).

     R. W. Argyle, Royal Greenwich Observatory, provides the
following position, obtained by D. H. P. Jones on Nov. 29.78 UT: R.A.
= 21h09m28s36, K = -9deg01'57"1 (equinox 1950.0).

     The following precise positions have been reported:

    1983 UT           R.A.  (1950.0)  Decl.     m1   Observer

    Nov. 23.44265   21 08 27.57   - 7 29 52.4        Russell
         23.45654   21 08 26.49   - 7 29 25.2          "
         27.09552   21 04 00.51   - 5 17 50.6        Gibson
         28.15905   21 02 51.88   - 4 41 05.1          "
         30.09167   21 00 56.23   - 3 35 22.7   12   Skiff
         30.12569   21 00 54.10   - 3 34 15.1          "
    Dec.  1.94263   20 59 15.84   - 2 34 28.7        McCrosky

K. S. Russell (Siding Spring Observatory).  1.2-m U.K. Schmidt.
J. Gibson (Palomar Observatory).  1.2-m Schmidt.  Weak image, short
   exposure on Nov. 27; condensation and hint of tail on Nov. 28.
B. Skiff (Lowell Observatory, Anderson Mesa Station).  Measurer: E.
   Bowell.  Declination uncertain on first exposure.
R. E. McCrosky (Oak Ridge Observatory).  1.5-m reflector.

     Computations by D. W. E. Green and the undersigned show that
the orbital elements and ephemeris on IAUC 3894 are reasonably
adequate.  Further observations are required in order to
investigate an indicated possible departure from parabolic motion.

     Total magnitude estimates: Dec. 1.15 UT, ~ 11.5 (D. Levy, Tucson,
AZ, 0.41-m reflector; accidental independent discovery on Nov.
30); 1.98, 10.6 (J. Bortle, Stormville, NY, 0.32-m reflector).

1983 December 5                (3896)              Brian G. Marsden

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