Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

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IAUC 4160: BINARY PULSARS 0655+64 AND 0820+02; 1985 TB; 1985n

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 4160
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM    Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444

BINARY PULSARS 0655+64 AND 0820+02
     S. R. Kulkarni, Palomar Observatory and Department of
Astronomy, California Institute of Technology, reports: "We have
identified two objects within 1" of the radio position of the
binary pulsar 0655+64.  The object 1"1 west of the radio position
is a faint elliptical galaxy.  The object 0"88 east of the object
is stellar with apparent mag R = 21.8.  We reconfirm the detection
of a star with apparent R = 23.2 coincident with the position of
the binary radio pulsar 0820+02.  The V-R for the two stars are
+0.19 and -0.67, respectively.  The surprisingly small V-R for the
0820+02 candidate could be due either to variability on timescales
on the order of 10 min or to a non-thermal contribution."

1985 TB
     Ephemeris continuation (cf. IAUC 4132) from the orbital
elements on MPC 10303:

     1985/86 ET  R.A. (1950.0) Decl.      p        r      Mag.

     Dec. 31    21 52.81    +58 08.2    0.511    1.114    16.7
     Jan.  5    21 49.01    +60 43.0
          10    21 46.16    +63 23.8    0.531    1.118    16.8
          15    21 44.23    +66 12.7
          20    21 43.26    +69 11.6    0.545    1.135    16.8
          25    21 43.4     +72 22.1
          30    21 45.0     +75 45.8    0.554    1.164    16.9
     Feb.  4    21 49.2     +79 24.1
           9    22 00.1     +83 17.8    0.562    1.205    16.9
          14    22 48       +87 24.1
          19     8 01       +87 49.5    0.575    1.254    16.9
          24     9 05.8     +83 14.9
     Mar.  1     9 20.0     +78 23.2    0.597    1.311    17.0
           6     9 27.5     +73 23.0
          11     9 33.07    +68 19.3    0.634    1.373    17.2
          16     9 38.04    +63 17.2
          21     9 42.81    +58 21.5    0.692    1.440    17.4

     Total visual magnitude estimate by D. W. E. Green, Cambridge,
MA, 0.20-m reflector: Jan. 7.98 UT, 7.2 (coma diameter ~ 6').

1986 January 9                 (4160)              Brian G. Marsden

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