Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 4242: Prob. N IN Cyg; 1986 PA

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 4242
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM    Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444

     H. Kosai, Tokyo Astronomical Observatory, reports the discovery
by M. Wakuda of a probable nova, located near CI Cyg at R.A. =
19h52m7, Decl. = +35deg33' (equinox 1950.0).  Magnitudes (Tri-X with
green filter): June 26, [13; July 28.6 UT, 13; Aug. 4.72, 9.4.  M.
Huruhata reports no evidence of this object on about 500 films
taken by him since 1979 and gives V = 8.7, B = 9.5 on Aug. 8.87 UT.

1986 PA
     E. Helin, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, reports her discovery of
a fast-moving asteroidal object on exposures by C. Wilson and herself
(assisted by R. Day and J. Mueller) with the 1.2-m Schmidt in
the course of Palomar Sky Survey II.  Measurer: M. Rudnyk.

     1986 UT             R.A.   (1950.0)   Decl.       Mag.

     Aug.  2.27500     20 00 56.85     + 1 36 43.1     18.2
           2.31667     20 00 47.50     + 1 35 44.6
           4.19444     19 54 19.52     + 0 53 47.4
           4.23611     19 54 10.24     + 0 52 47.1
           5.20902     19 50 45.97     + 0 29 44.7
           5.25069     19 50 36.54     + 0 28 43.0

     Apollo-type orbital elements have been derived:

           T = 1986 Dec. 6.16 ET
       Peri. = 296.95                    e =   0.4094
       Node  = 160.25   1950.0           a =   1.0324 AU
       Incl. =   9.86                    n =   0.93958
           q =   0.6098 AU               P =   1.05 years

     1986 ET     R.A. (1950.0) Decl.      p        r       V

     Aug.  3    19 58.46    + 1 21.1
           8    19 40.86    - 0 40.9    0.320    1.308    17.5
          13    19 23.09    - 3 02.5
          18    19 05.96    - 5 37.0    0.308    1.263    17.6
          23    18 50.10    - 8 17.6
          28    18 35.99    -10 58.6    0.312    1.213    17.9
     Sept. 2    18 23.85    -13 35.6
           7    18 13.75    -16 06.5    0.323    1.157    18.2
          12    18 05.53    -18 30.3
          17    17 58.90    -20 47.7    0.336    1.095    18.4

1986 August 11                 (4242)              Brian G. Marsden

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