Circular No. 4243 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 COMET WILSON (1986l) The following precise positions have been reported: 1986 UT R.A. (1950.0) Decl. m1 Observer Aug. 6.21979 22 20 42.24 +25 06 01.1 10.5 Helin 6.33403 22 20 30.96 +25 05 23.5 " 6.35486 22 20 29.30 +25 05 17.7 " 7.06632 22 19 14.59 +25 01 28.6 Pollas 7.07465 22 19 13.82 +25 01 25.3 " 7.23618 22 18 57.02 +25 00 30.8 Balam 7.66319 22 18 11.82 +24 58 07.6 11.5 Seki 7.69132 22 18 09.00 +24 57 55.6 " 8.25215 22 17 09.83 +24 54 39.6 Balam 9.14296 22 15 34.72 +24 49 13.7 Schwartz 9.14691 22 15 34.24 +24 49 11.8 " 9.25528 22 15 22.52 +24 48 29.8 Balam 10.20753 22 13 38.96 +24 42 19.1 Shao 10.51933 22 13 04.9 +24 40 12 12 Kaneda 10.52685 22 13 04.1 +24 40 06 " 10.80660 22 12 33.10 +24 38 11.9 11.5 Seki E. Helin, S. Singer-Brewster, D. Schneeberger and S. Gerhart (Palomar). 0.46-m and 1.2-m Schmidts. Measurer: S. Singer-Brewster. The discovery magnitude (IAUC 4241) should be revised to 10.5. C. Pollas (Caussols). CERGA 0.9-m Schmidt telescope. D. Balam (University of Victoria). Measurer: J. B. Tatum. T. Seki (Geisei). 0.6-m reflector. Tail 10" long in p.a. 300 on Aug. 7. Communicated by S. Nakano. G. Schwartz and C.-Y. Shao (Oak Ridge Observatory). 1.5-m reflector. Measurer: Shao. H. Kaneda (JCPM Sapporo Station). 0.25-m reflector. Total visual magnitude estimate by C. S. Morris, Whitaker Peak, CA (0.26-m reflector): Aug. 8.43 UT, 12.1. The following parabolic elements are from 16 observations Aug. 6-10. Although there is still much uncertainty in the ephemeris then, the comet should become a rather conspicuous southern-hemisphere object around perihelion. T = 1987 Apr. 22.59 ET Peri. = 237.13 Node = 110.46 1950.0 q = 1.2246 AU Incl. = 147.32 1986 August 11 (4243) Brian G. Marsden
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