Circular No. 4292 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (473) NOLLI Remeasurements by R. M. West, European Southern Observatory, of M. Wolf's original 1901 Heidelberg plates show that the orbit of this earliest of the lost numbered minor planets (see also IAUC 4278, 4281) has a semimajor axis of 2.6-2.7 AU, which is substantially smaller than had hitherto been supposed; the object is also perhaps 2 mag fainter than had been supposed. As a result, identifications have been found by the undersigned with 1981 QR (for which a rather poor elliptical orbit had in fact been published) and 1986 PP4, as well as with two rough observations in 1940 Feb. Further details will appear on the Jan. 15 MPCs. The remaining lost planets are (719) Albert, (724) Hapag and (878) Mildred. SUPERNOVA 1986J IN NGC 891 N. Bartel, Center for Astrophysics; M. Rupen, Princeton Observatory; and I. Shapiro, Center for Astrophysics, report that they determined on 1986 Sept. 29 with very-long-baseline- interferometry (VLBI) at a wavelength of 18 cm the angular size of SN 1986J to be 0".0014 + 0".0002 (FWHM of a Gaussian). The size is significantly above the range of 0".0004 to 0".0008 expected from interstellar scattering alone. VLBI observations at shorter wavelengths and continuation of measurements of optical spectra are encouraged. Determination of the supernova's angular expansion velocity using VLBI, coupled with determination of its radial expansion velocity using optical spectroscopy, will allow the host galaxy's distance to be estimated. CORRIGENDA IAUC 4232. Hubble Space Telescope, lines 1-2 and 7-8. For comunicates read communicates; for anounced read announced. IAUC 4243. Comet Wilson (1986l), line 20. Add C. Wilson as one of the Palomar observers. IAUC 4262, Fast-moving Objects 1986 TN, 1986 TO, 1986 TP, line 12. M. Antal should be given as the observer of 1986 TP on Oct. 10. IAUC 4287, Supernova 1986N in NGC 1667, line 2. Add C. Paine as one of the discoverers. IAUC 4290, Nova in Small Magellanic Cloud, lines 7-8 (and with reference also to IAUC 4283). The name should read G. Garradd, and he was a collaborator, not a codiscoverer. 1987 January 5 (4292) Brian G. Marsden
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