Circular No. 4312 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 PERIODIC COMET TEMPEL 2 (1987g) T. Gehrels and J. V. Scotti, University of Arizona, report their recovery of this comet with the 0.91-m SPACEWATCH telescope at Kitt Peak as shown below. The positions are in agreement with the orbit by D. K. Yeomans published on MPC 11522. 1986/87 UT R.A. (1950) Decl. m1 Dec. 29.45763 11 19 58.71 +12 52 58.7 20.4 29.48053 11 19 58.78 +12 53 02.7 29.48994 11 19 58.82 +12 53 03.7 Jan. 25.37653 11 15 54.96 +14 43 13.2 25.39545 11 15 54.55 +14 43 18.8 25.41375 11 15 54.10 +14 43 25.1 20.0 25.41836 11 15 54.00 +14 43 27.0 25.42293 11 15 53.91 +14 43 28.5 1987 ET R.A. (1950) Decl. Delta r m1 Jan. 25 11 16.06 +14 41.2 3.398 4.191 20.2 Feb. 4 11 11.53 +15 38.8 14 11 05.55 +16 41.4 3.189 4.133 19.9 24 10 58.45 +17 44.9 Mar. 6 10 50.72 +18 44.8 3.100 4.073 19.7 16 10 42.96 +19 36.9 26 10 35.76 +20 18.0 3.134 4.008 19.6 Apr. 5 10 29.66 +20 46.2 15 10 25.06 +21 01.1 3.271 3.941 19.5 25 10 22.17 +21 03.2 May 5 10 21.10 +20 53.7 3.472 3.869 19.4 15 10 21.80 +20 33.8 25 10 24.16 +20 05.1 3.698 3.795 19.3 June 4 10 28.06 +19 28.6 14 10 33.31 +18 45.3 3.915 3.716 19.2 24 10 39.75 +17 56.3 July 4 10 47.25 +17 02.1 4.101 3.634 19.1 14 10 55.65 +16 03.4 24 11 04.83 +15 00.7 4.237 3.549 18.9 PERIODIC COMET SCHWASSMANN-WACHMANN 2 (1986h) Total visual magnitude estimates by Merlin (0.40-m reflector): 1986 Dec. 3.81 UT, 14.5; 1987 Jan. 31.84, 12.1. 1987 February 5 (4312) Daniel W. E. Green
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