Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams

Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 4615: 1988e, 1988g; 1988a

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 4615
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM    Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444

     The general orbit solutions by the undersigned on MPC 13304 give
osculating (at the standard epochs near perihelion) 1/a = +0.00183 +/-
0.00022 AU**-1 for comet 1988e, 1/a = +0.00258 +/- 0.00137 AU**-1 for
comet 1988g, and even closer agreement in the other elements than was
indicated on IAUC 4600.  Computations in which the two comets were
forced to have identical 'original' barycentric orbits (except for T)
yield osculating values of +0.00148 and +0.00146 AU**-1, respectively
(the 'original' 1/a being +0.00134 AU**-1).  Further astrometric
observations of both comets are needed if the circumstances of
splitting are to be examined in complete detail.  The current
ephemeris of comet 1988e is on IAUC 4583; that for comet 1988g
continues as follows:

     1988 ET      R.A. (1950) Decl.     Delta      r       m1
     June  8    22 18.56    +40 03.6    1.922    2.070    11.1
          18    22 12.42    +45 31.7
          28    22 01.52    +50 18.8    2.014    2.293    11.6
     July  8    21 45.50    +54 15.6
          18    21 24.71    +57 13.3    2.148    2.517    12.2
          28    21 00.64    +59 06.5
     Aug.  7    20 35.89    +59 55.7    2.323    2.740    12.7
          17    20 13.31    +59 48.1
          27    19 55.06    +58 56.5    2.536    2.960    13.2
     Sept. 6    19 42.04    +57 34.9
          16    19 34.20    +55 56.1    2.783    3.178    13.7
          26    19 30.95    +54 10.4
     Oct.  6    19 31.52    +52 25.4    3.059    3.392    14.2

     Total visual magnitude estimates: June 1.90 UT, 6.7 (M. V.
Zanotta, Milan, Italy, 20 x 80 binoculars; 0.5-deg tail in p.a. 85
deg); 3.20, 7.4 (A. Hale, Las Cruces, NM, 10 x 50 binoculars); 5.54,
7.3 (Y. Sugiyama, Hiratsuka, Japan, 0.16-m reflector); 6.96, 8.2
(J. D. Shanklin, Cambridge, England, 20 x 80 binoculars; tail 0.4 deg
in p.a. 65 deg); 8.21, 7.6 (D. W. E. Green, Lake Yellowstone, WY);
10.23, 7.7 (E. A. Jacobson, Evansville, MN, 10 x 50 binoculars);
12.13, 7.2 (G. R. Chester, Rixeyville, VA, 0.2-m reflector; tail 45'
in p.a. 100 deg); 13.97, 8.8 (Shanklin).

1988 June 22                   (4615)              Brian G. Marsden

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