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Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams -- Image credits

IAUC 6074: JUPITER AND 1993e; 1994l; 1994o

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IAUC number

                                                  Circular No. 6074
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 (for emergency use only)
TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM     EASYLINK 62794505

     I. de Pater, C. Heiles, and M. Wong, University of California,
Berkeley; and R. Maddalena, National Radio Astronomy Observatory
(NRAO), Green Bank, report on 20-cm radio observations of Jupiter
with the 42.7-m telescope at Green Bank and the Very Large Array
(VLA) in New Mexico (both facilities of the NRAO) obtained before,
during, and after the comet-1993e impacts:  "At Green Bank we
measured the total and linearly-polarized flux density, while at
the VLA we imaged the spatial brightness distribution of the planet
in all four Stokes parameters.  As reported before by Kesteven et
al. (IAUC 6040), Klein and Gulkis (IAUC 6042), Galopeau et al.
(IAUC 6045), Smits et al. (IAUC 6047) and, most recently, by Bird
et al. (IAUC 6069), the total flux density of the emission increased
by about 20 percent during the week of cometary impacts, and slowly
decreased afterwards.  The linear polarization varied by about 2
percent.  In addition to changes in total and linearly-polarized
flux density, the 42.7-m data show that the beaming curve
(variation in intensity during one Jovian period) changed during
the week of cometary impacts.  VLA images show that Jupiter's
brightness distribution changed drastically during the week of
cometary impacts.  This must be related to the observed variations
in the beaming curve and changes in the 'disk-averaged'
polarization characteristics."

     Total visual magnitude estimates:  Aug. 30.45 UT, 10.8 (P.
Roques, Williams, AZ, 0.25-m reflector + CCD + yellow filter);
Sept. 3.15, 11.1 (J. D. Shanklin, Cambridge, UK, 0.33-m reflector);
3.44, 10.9 (C. S. Morris, Lockwood Valley, CA, 0.26-m reflector);
4.09, 9.8 (W. Hasubick, Buchloe, Germany, 0.20-m reflector); 5.11,
9.8 (Hasubick, 25x100 binoculars); 7.12, 11.8 (G. Bakos, Raktanya,
Hungary, 0.44-m reflector).

     Total visual magnitude estimates of the second component (cf.
IAUC 6066):  Sept. 3.49 UT, 11.5 (Morris); 4.06, 10.5 (Hasubick,
0.20-m reflector); 4.50, 11.5 (Morris, Pine Mountain Club, CA,
0.26-m reflector); 7.11, 12.6 (K. Sarneczky, Raktanya, Hungary,
0.44-m reflector).

1994 September 8               (6074)            Daniel W. E. Green

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