Circular No. 4088 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION Postal Address: Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. TWX 710-320-6842 ASTROGRAM CAM Telephone 617-495-7244/7440/7444 PERIODIC COMET WHIPPLE (1985h) The recovery of this comet has been reported as shown below. The observed position is in good agreement with the prediction on MPC 9597 (elements on MPC 8274). 1985 UT R.A. (1950.0) Decl. m1 Observer July 10.30736 21 56 46.47 - 3 04 50.0 20 Gibson 10.33688 21 56 46.04 - 3 04 52.0 " 10.44583 21 56 44.48 - 3 04 56.5 " 10.46181 21 56 44.29 - 3 04 56.9 " 25.38081 21 51 42.30 - 3 31 14.7 19 Gehrels 25.39433 21 51 41.96 - 3 31 17.3 " 25.40324 21 51 41.74 - 3 31 18.2 " J. Gibson (Palomar Observatory). 1.6-m reflector and CCD. The first two images are near the edge of frames and outside the reference star arrays. Some frames show a tail 3" -4" long in p.a. 260-265; otherwise the images are stellar in appearance. T. Gehrels (Kitt Peak). SPACEWATCH camera 0.91-m telescope. Images identified and positions reduced by J. V. Scotti. Some slight indication of diffuseness. COMET MACHHOLZ (1985e) The following ephemeris continues that on IAUC 4078. It seems unlikely that any substantial component remains (cf. IAUC 4083). 1985 ET R.A. (1950.0) Decl. p r m1 July 24 11 53.20 +14 34.1 0.873 0.854 10.0 29 12 35.57 +11 11.6 Aug. 3 13 09.98 + 8 06.4 1.043 1.087 11.5 8 13 38.00 + 5 25.4 13 14 01.17 + 3 08.1 1.275 1.299 12.7 18 14 20.69 + 1 11.5 23 14 37.49 - 0 28.0 1.535 1.497 13.7 28 14 52.22 - 1 53.5 Sept. 2 15 05.36 - 3 07.6 1.808 1.683 14.5 7 15 17.26 - 4 12.3 12 15 28.19 - 5 09.3 2.085 1.861 15.3 17 15 38.36 - 5 59.7 22 15 47.90 - 6 44.4 2.361 2.030 15.9 1985 July 26 (4088) Brian G. Marsden
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